Thursday, June 10, 2010

What Does It Feel Like to be a Spiritual Messenger?

I am a Round 2 Contestant in the Next Top Spiritual Author Contest (out of 2,800 people who entered, only 271 remain). The Contest has been fun, tiring, thrilling, and motivating, but I have also experienced several unanticipated benefits.

I now realize that I am a Spiritual Messenger.

The gravity of that statement is only lessened by the mere fact I had the audacity to type it, bold face it and share it with the world! As I read over those words, it strikes me that they may sound ego-centric, but that could not be farther from the truth.

You see, for most of my life, I never believed I had anything worthwhile to say. My "Voice" was silent (by my own choosing, of course) but still, it remained quiet and hidden. Like a precious jewel that lay sleeping beneath the waters of life, my Voice waited for me to discover her. The funny part that I have discovered her, I can't get her to be quiet!

Not that I am complaining, but recognizing that I do have something to share with people, that it does come from a Source much higher than my own puny intellect, is rather disconcerting. It tends to throw life off balance, out of kilter and into another gyration completely!

When I wrote the book proposal for the contest, for example, it felt like the words were coming from somewhere outside of my own consciousness. I simply listened and typed. When I finished and I read back through the document, I was astounded that those thoughts and ideas had even been created by my own hands.

But that is the point, isn't it? When I think about it, it really is not "my Voice" at all...I am just the physical embodiment of something much greater and much more spiritual. And guess what - you are too!

My spiritual journey will continue whether or not I make it into Round 3 of the contest. I have walked through the door toward my new life. I am awake, alive and a perfect Voice for the Source.

How about your journey? Where is it taking you?


Kathryn Eriksen
Author ID # 545

1 comment:

  1. I voted for you Kathy. I can't tell you how proud I am for you. Keep going, God has so much in store for you. You will be blessed in areas and from places you never expected. Take care. Be good to you. I pray God enlarges your territory.
