Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Difference of ONE Degree Can Change Your Life!

Did you know that water boils at 212 degrees? Of course you did! But did you ever think how that one degree difference could impact your life and the vision you hold for yourself? Check out this email I received from Nightingale-Conant...and be sure to take 2 minutes to watch the movie!

The difference between hot water and boiling water is just one degree of heat. While that may not seem like much, it's the difference between a relaxing cup of tea... and being able to power a 50-ton steam locomotive up a mountain. The 212 Movie brilliantly illustrates how one extra degree of heat, that one extra degree of effort, can make all the difference in your life!

This short, 3-minute presentation will immediately energize you, focusing your efforts TODAY, while putting you on a path to out-perform, out-earn, and out-deliver in any area you desire... starting now. After watching the 212 Movie, you'll understand how putting forth just one extra degree of effort can put you over the top — no matter what your pursuit in life.

So... please turn up the volume on your PC, get ready to be energized, then click on the following link to watch "212 — The Extra Degree" (or cut and paste into your browser):

Best wishes for success,

Vic Conant - Chairman, Nightingale-Conant

Is that cool or what? Or should I say, is that hot or what? Thanks for reading and listening!

Monday, August 24, 2009

3 weeks and I am still here

Three weeks into my Spiritual Exercise Program and I am still here! Funny, I feel somewhat off balance, like the rules have changed and I have not quite caught up. Or maybe I am just getting off my negative treadmill and stepping into new territory.

I do know that joy lies in the present moment, that instant of time I have been granted to live and breath in. I have found that my "monkey mind" is much calmer and quieter, which is a nice respite from its usual frantic behavior. The space that was once occupied by MM is now filling up with other things, such as a clearer vision of who I am and what I want to accomplish.

More vision = more focus = more results.

Just think about it - water from a lake spillway can either cover a large area without much results, or it can be channeled to form enough force to power a hydro-electric plant. Clear thinking, focused attention and unshakable belief and certainty is the formula to accomplish anything you desire.

Just watch what happens to me - I have one week to go.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Cause and Effect

Everyone has heard of the Law of Cause and Effect. I always thought it was just a way to teach responsibility to children - if you drop something, it will break and there WILL be consequences. But the Law of Cause and Effect goes much deeper and runs more strongly through our lives than we have ever imagined.

If you look at nature, you will see constant examples of this law in action. Plant a pumpkin seed in good soil, water it and you will grow a pumpkin. Not a squash, not a cucumber, but a pumpkin. Gardeners and farmers understand this law perfectly and they use it to their advantage.

Why don't we use the Law of Cause and Effect to our advantage? Because most of us look at the wrong part of the equation. We tend to focus on the effects, the results of our thoughts, and not the thoughts themselves. If something goes wrong in our life, our first reaction is to look outside ourselves for the explanation.

We are looking the wrong way!

The reason why circumstances may not happen the way you want has nothing to do with the outside world. It has everything to do with your inner world - made up of your thoughts, beliefs and feelings. When you set an intention (I want to win the Lottery) and you don't get it, listen to your reaction to not getting it. If you find yourself saying things like, "It's rigged," or "I am the unluckiest person alive!" then you are focused on the Effect of not winning the Lottery. And you will continue to be disappointed because that was exactly what you intended to happen.

You have to shift your focus to the first half of the equation. Cause. You are the Cause of everything in your life!

What you think about, what you believe about yourself shapes your world. Your thoughts and beliefs are like magnets, attracting like energy from the ocean of potential that we live in. That energy that you attract is actually shaped by you! It becomes form and then materializes in your world.

What if you really want something, then don't get it? Make sure that you were clear in your intention and that all negative or limiting beliefs have been neutralized. If you ask for the Lottery but you do not believe you deserve wealth, what do you think is going to happen? The Lottery is not going to come to you -- your own limiting belief about your self-worth blocked it.

You have the capacity to create your greatest dream life, but you have to ask for it with unshakable faith, certain of the outcome and grateful to God for it having occurred.

It takes time for these new concepts to sink into your thoughts. You have lived your life under one set of beliefs; you can change that in an instant, but usually the ego resists such a drastic change in perspective. So give yourself time, continue to learn and grow.

One valuable tool that has really accelerated my growth is listening to the Ask, Believe and Receive relaxation CD from Dr. Patrick Porter. If you click on and give your name and email, you can download the digital file instantly. Listen to it every day for at least 21 days, and you will begin to notice that you will see the world differently, you will hear the world differently. You will begin to realize that you are truly the Cause of your life. And the effects of that shift in thinking will begin to appear.

The Law of Cause and Effect works the same for everyone. It is the glue that holds the Universe together. Make it work for you, so you create the life of your dreams.

Remember - you are Cause - your life is the Effect.

Now - Go! Create your most wondrous life and be thankful to God for your capacity to be Cause. Joy will fill your heart and prosperity will follow you like a shadow.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Life is a Process

We saw the new movie Julie and Julia last night. The main character, Julie (played by Amy Adams) is a lost young woman without purpose. She floats through life and wonders why she is not as successful as her friends. It is not until she sets up a challenge for herself that activates her passion for cooking that her life turns around.

The challenge? To cook all of Julia Child's 524 recipes in 365 days. And blog about her experiences.

Julie tries to jump ship several times, but she finally feels alive, so she keeps going. She meets the challenge and discovers herself in the process.

It is when we engage in life that life engages us. If we remain bystanders, there is no commitment and no passion. We can disengage at any time, because we never were truly engaged.

Take the time today to think about what truly fires up your passions - those things that make you sing with the energy of creation. Because when you are creating - you are living!

Life is truly a process, that reveals itself at each spin of the globe. To stay spinning on your axis, (instead of spinning out of control) identify and live your purpose. It's your life.

Go for it!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Universe is a Mirror Image of Yourself

What I am learning through my Spiritual Exercise Program is to be alert and aware, because the Universe always mirrors what I believe is true. Let me give you a quick example of what I mean.

About a year ago, we had new neighbors move in next door. They pretty much kept to themselves and so did we, until their dogs began getting out of their yard and staying in ours. I went over there several times and asked nicely if they would please keep their dogs in their own yard.

Well, several weeks passed and this still kept happening. I finally caught David (the guy next door) to find out what the problem was and he blamed it on the fence, which the landlord woul not fix. Of course, David would not pay for the repairs. (turns out that the dogs were digging under the fence, so there was nothing to wrong with the fence itself).

One day, I take my dogs out to the dog run (which shares the same fence as next door). There were two boards missing in the fence, which opened up a space for my dogs to go in his yard. I went back inside to get a hammer and nails, and went back over to the hole. I saw the two boards lying on the ground inside his yard, so I reached in and pulled them back to my side. As I was about to nail the boards back up, David comes running out of his house, yelling and cursing at me to leave those boards alone.

Now, mind you, I still haven't figured out what he is doing or how he did it. All I knew was that there was a hole in the fence and my dogs could get out. I asked him calmly what he was doing, and he snarled, "It's none of your d... business." Of course I told him that it did concern me, because of the dogs, etc. He then starts threatening to call the police because I had trespassed on his property. That's when the lawyer in me kicked in - I told him that he was a renter, that he had the right to possess that property for the length of his lease, but it was not "his" property.

Big mistake on my part.

If looks could kill, I would not be writing this blog right now. I was subjected to the worse verbal abuse you could imagine, all shouted through a foot-wide opening in an old wooden fence. I had to admit it that I used a few cuss words myself. The long and short of it was that he gave me back the boards and I nailed them up on my side of the fence. And we haven't spoken since.

But that's the rub for me - I have replayed that entire incident in my head at least a million times. Every time I think about it, my heart races and my blood pressure shoots to the moon. The emotional energy attached to that incident stayed strong for quite a while.

And then I read somewhere that the Universe reflects your own beliefs back to you. It is actually a mirror image of what you believe about yourself!

I decided to examine the incident from an observer perspective (without the emotional charge) and I saw what I was trying to tell myself. It had to do with money and my perception of rich people.

During David's tirade, he accused me of being "high and mighty" and looking down on "regular folks." He also said I thought I was so much above everyone else because I lived in the biggest house on the block. Basically, that I was a rich snob.

Me? A rich snob? You have got to be kidding - I am the nicest, kindest, most thoughtful...

When I reviewed this incident as an observer, I realized that those statements were EXACTLY what I thought about rich people. That they live in their own world and they have no idea what normal people go through because of money. They spend money on frivolous things when other people could really use that money for something important. That they think they are better than everyone else...

Guess what? If I truly believe those negative things about rich people, is it any wonder why I have not become a millionaire? Why would I want to become like the people I dislike and envy? I wouldn't, and that may be one of the core reasons why I have never made millions of dollars.

Does that leave me stuck in a middle-class world? No! Because all I have to do is change my beliefs about money and how it affects people. Money is simply a barometer that measures your internal success scale. When I know that "I am the source of all wealth..." that means that I create the thoughts and beliefs that the Universe responds to, without fail. And then I am on my way to a life of prosperity and abundance.

Come to think of it, that hole in the fence was the best thing that happened to me. Thanks David for being my mirror!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Life Got in the Way

Remember my promise to you (and myself) that I would chronicle my progress in my Spiritual Exercise Program? On a daily basis? Well, I have a confession to make.

After Day 2, I blew it. I have listened faithfully to the meditation CD and said the Prosperity Affirmation every day, but I failed to write about it. Excuses abound in my mind (we've been busy, the dog ate my computer mouse...) but the whole point of this exercise is to learn to accept myself and stretch my spirit to become more than I am today.

Maybe self-forgiveness is the first place to start in that process.

My capacity to grow and evolve into a higher being is only limited by myself. If I censure myself to the point of inactivity (as in, why bother - it does not matter anyway) then I have just placed a lid on my own growth. By my own judgmental and critical thoughts, I have just perpetuated the very thing I am being so critical of - my lack of diligence.

It's as if I am creating the most wonderful pot of soup on the stove, letting it simmer and bubble to perfection. But the recipe calls for no lid - and I put a lid on anyway. Will it taste the same? No. Will it look the same? No. Will it smell the same? No. So why not follow the recipe and create something wonderful?

This is where Ego steps into the spotlight. Do you know that you are not your ego? You are not that collection of beliefs and thoughts that translate into the critical voice you hear inside your head. That voice is not the Spiritual You - the authentic you who knows what you are here to accomplish in this world while you are in physical form.

The subject of Ego is too massive to address here. If you want to learn more about why we all create an ego, how it controls our thoughts and what you can do to quiet that voice, the book by Ekhart Tolle, A New Earth, is a great read. It will change your perspective on your thoughts, your belief system and most importantly, your goals in life.

My goal is to focus on the spiritual side. But I still have to live in a world driven by stuff - demands made on my time, commitments to fulfill, back to school craziness. The difference is that I accept that sometimes, I just have to say, "It's O.K." pick myself up and go on. Life does get in the way, but I am the way to creating my life.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day 2 - Spiritual Soreness

Today is Day 2 of my "Spiritual Exercise Program." Just like any physical exercise regimen, the second day can be tough. Some of the excitement and newness has worn off and some soreness starts to set in.

My spiritual soreness began today when we had to pay for an unexpected car repair. A hit of $500 that comes out of the blue was enough to throw off my higher vibration and set me back several notches. All of my limiting beliefs about money and finances came flooding back into my consciousness!

But never fear, because I have a V-i-s-i-o-n. It is bigger than these small obstacles and better than where I am right now. Instead of lowering myself to my circumstances, I raise my circumstances up to my higher self.

The trick is to remember that I know what I need to know, when I need to know it. If that sounds like the chorus of a song, you are a genius! Karen Taylor Good is a fabulous song-writer/singer and she wrote a wonderful song with the same title.

I know that I am awash in abundance and wealth. I know that I deserve abundance and wealth of mind, body, spirit, and emotions. I know that my outer circumstances do not define my inner universe. Instead, my inner universe takes form when I manifest my desires into reality.

At least, that is what the Prosperity Affirmation says.

Maybe that is why I need 30 days to digest these concepts. My current belief system is based on lots of negativity about money, finances, and my ability to earn and keep such things. My vision is that I will replace such limiting concepts with liberating ideas about my value in the world.

A long road stretches ahead of me, to an endlessly distant horizon...where the golden orb of truth shimmers. I just hope I can make the journey without getting too discouraged... (dramatic sigh, hand held to forehead, worried expression creasing my brow while I swoon gracefully...)

Or I can just decide to throw away all the drama and start fresh. Think I'll just keep singing my song (thank you Karen Taylor Good) and see what happens.

"I know all that I need to know, when I need to know it.
And when I forget that's so, the Universe will show it.
There seems to be a plan at work and there's nothing I can throw it.
So all I know I need to know, when I need to know it."

Fade to dusk, as my silhouette skips happily along the yellow brick road into the fading sunlight...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Making My Soul Sing - A Spiritual Exercise Program

Today I started an exercise program for my spirit. It is very simple and hopefully, very effective. I will listen to a 30 minute mediation and read a 5 minute Prosperity Affirmation every morning for the next 30 days. Hopefully, changes made on the inside will transform my life, on the outside.

Today is the first day. It bothered me that I hadn't thought to begin this program on August 1st; instead it began on August 4th. The lack of symmetry was appalling to a person of my highly developed anal-retentive nature, but I decided to let it go. It was my first act of freedom - to just let it go.

Maybe there is something to this...

Tonight we watched the movie, Confessions of a Shopaholic. I thought it was going to be a piece of fluff with alot of comedic gags thrown in to keep the audience happy. Instead, it was about relationships and how we allow them to define who we are. Rebecca Greenwood is a confirmed shopaholic who is swimming in credit card debt. Her view of the world is tainted by her relationships with things - expensive things that she can't afford. Through a series of mishaps and mayhem, she discovers what she should have known all along. It is the relationship with herself that defines her world, not the other way around.

And that is exactly why I am exercising my spirit - in the hopes that I will come to define myself. Without hestitation, without doubt and without judgment. Because you know what? The only person you can never divorce in the entire world is...yourself. So you had better get to know her and love her, because you are stuck with her.

Or you could fall in love. With yourself.

I have now added a new element to my exercise program. A new blog will be posted every night to chronicle my progress. It may prove boring or inspiring. There is simply no way to tell.

But we'll never know unless we begin the journey. Are you with me?