Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Gratitude Train

What are you thankful for today? With Thanksgiving just around the corner (have you bought your turkey yet?) thoughts naturally turn toward gratitude. So why don't you take a ride on the Gratitude Train and see what pops up?

The first stop is to look around your world - how many things can you give thanks for? A home, a car, a loving family, enough food on the table, a job in this sluggish economy. Gather your gratitude list together and hold on while the train chugs its way to the next stop on our journey.

The landscape has changed somewhat. Instead of lush, green grass and beautiful scenery, you now see a barren desert, windswept and desolate in its isolation. What is this place? It is the land of lack and limitation. Why are you stopping here? Isn't gratitude about giving thanks for the good things, not the bad?

Admit it - thoughts of fear, anxiety about money and knowledge of scarcity in your life or others had taken up residence in your mind. You can't escape the media's negative messages and after a while, you start to believe them (or not). But you can't blame the media - they are just doing their job. It is your choice to listen and believe. Or not.

To be wholeheartedly grateful, one hundred percent authentic, and completely in tune with the spirit of gratitude, you also have to give thanks for the negative things in your life. There are lessons hidden by the images of lack and limitation. Shadows, waiting to be discovered by the enlightened person who knows that everything is perfect, just as it is.

Think back on your life, to the most desperate and desolate time, when you thought you could not move forward another step. What happened? Somehow, you survived and moved on, right? Wasn't there a lesson hidden in the darkness that you did not see until you had moved back into the light? Perhaps you needed to be less judgmental or critical of another person, or more forgiving and loving. Or maybe you needed to be more loving of yourself?

The lesson is to be grateful for the bad times too. Who are you to judge whether an event is good or bad? Do you know all of the factors, the conditions that led up to that event that involved other people? Is your perspective so global in scope that you totally understand why that situation was created in the first place? Only if you can answer yes to questions like these, do you have the luxury to judge a situation or another person.

Fear, anxiety, and negativity are all creations of the ego trying to protect you. But the results of these limiting thoughts and beliefs is to dam up the flow of gratitude in your life. When you drop the judgmental thoughts and criticisms, gratitude comes rushing into your life.

Take a moment to reflect on the "bad" times and discover the beautiful lesson that lay hidden just underneath the surface. Only after you can look the bad times head on and say "thank you" will you be able to continue your journey on the gratitude train.

Look - you are back where you started! You just took a journey through your life and discovered new treasures you did not know existed. Peacefulness and joy are your constant companions, as thoughts about the past are replaced by living fully in the moment of now. Concentrate on being present, being grateful every time you take a breath, and your life will change forever.

Listen! The Train is leaving again. Want to go on another round?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Everything is Energy!

This post is different than what I usually write, but I felt compelled to share this information with you.

Have you ever felt so fantastic-- so filled up with life-- that you just had to let out a huge “wooooo hoooo!” at the top of your lungs? Well if not, you’ve got to take a minute to read this because that is the way I’ve been living my life over the past few months.

I have discovered two of the most amazing Energy Coaches ever. David and Kristin Morelli are experts on aligning energy - which has made a huge difference in my life. They are also the founders of the radio show “Everything is Energy” and wow-wee did we make some big shifts!

Now they started a NEW program called The Prosperity Tribe. I can't tell you how amazing the shifts continue to be in my life (trust me, I wouldn't send this to you if it weren't true...). You've got to get in on this!

Life with the support and teachings of the Tribe has been like life with a set of brand new eyes ... and REAL prosperity.

I have been moving energy and breaking down my deepest blocks to abundance and authentic wealth like I have never done before. I am inspired to take leaps into the unknown - because I know that I have removed my long-standing blocks to abundance.

A little bit about Kristin and David: Kristin is a self-made multimillionaire (by age 30) and David is an energy worker of the highest caliber. He is sought after by many well-known teachers of the Law of Attraction to work with them on breaking through their own blocks to wealth and success. Together Kristin and David are an extraordinarily powerful team who have made it their dedication to help others make the shift from lack to abundance. They teach that True Abundance = an abundance that embraces money and ALL good things in life.

This couple and the work they do are nothing short of amazing! I am so grateful for having found them and for saying “YES!” to coming under their mentorship by joining The Prosperity Tribe.

You can get a glimpse into the power of the program and meet Kristin and David at this link:

You DEFINITELY have nothing to lose - And everything to gain!

Plus - Kristin and David are both so energetic that you can't help be feel better after listening to them!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Book Signings a Success!

Guess what! When you put yourself out there --- abundance comes back tenfold!

In the last two weeks, I had three different book signings. Two of the events surrounded the Arcadia Publishing book called Images in America - Waxahachie and the other event was for my children's book, Walk With the Master.

What I learned after speaking to dozens of people is that there are alot of people out there who "have a book inside of them" but they do not know how to bring it into physical form. The lack of knowledge hampers their dream, and they tend to focus on how much they don't know, instead of taking action to learn the steps toward becoming an author. So to help out all those who have the dream of a book, but don't have a clue how to start, please read on.

Pledge to yourself that you will commit 30 minutes a day to pursue this dream. Spend 15 minutes searching the Internet for information, ideas, etc. Spend the other 15 minutes writing - whether it is a blog like this one, or in a journal, or the start of an outline. But WRITE EVERY DAY!!!

This is the simple recipe I followed to become the author of 3 books in 18 months and a successful online magazine!

Remember, you don't have to know all of the steps to reach the end result. You just have to see what the next step, immediately in front of you - is - then take the necessary action to make it happen. As you proceed step-by-step on your journey, the next action step will appear.

So - go make it happen! The world needs your voice - don't sit on the fence when you can add to the world's wisdom and knowledge!

Stop playing small and break out to your greater self.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Mental Exercise Program

How much time do you spend thinking about the past - or the future? Take five minutes to review what you thought about for the previous five minutes. Then see if you can't determine what percentage of time you just spent thinking about the past, the present and the future.

Here is the way it looked for me when I did this simple exercise:
Past thoughts 60%; Present thoughts 10%; Future thoughts 30%

Isn't that revealing? It certainly was to me! And to add to my dismay, I have also learned that about 90% of our thoughts are repetitive. Which means that I am thinking the same thoughts about the past and the future - over and over again! AGHHHHHH!

I am always the type to see the glass half full. So, to take the positive perspective, I stay in the present 10% of every moment. Not too great, but it is a place to start. So how do I shift my thoughts to focus on the present - the moment of Now?

Very simple, really. I just chose to. No bells or whistles, no clapping or heart-renching decisions. Just a simple intention that I practice over and over until it becomes a habit.

Because the way we think is habitual. You have a pattern to your thinking, just as I do. And the only way to change it is to treat it like any other habit. Identify what is unfavorable, make the decision to change, then follow through with action.

A mental exercise program - for the mind!

Try it for seven days, keep a journal to log your progress and see if your mind does not become clearer and more peaceful. Your inner journey is well worth the effort!

Friday, October 16, 2009

You are a Child of the Divine

The Universe is constantly expanding, growing and creating. The same spiritual energy that created the stars, the solar systems and the galaxies also created each one of us.

Inside each one of us, lies a seed of Divine love, which blossoms when we remember who we really are. We are Children of the Divine. Children of God. But it is even more than that (as if that were possible!)

Each one of us is a unique, one-of-a-kind creation, living here on earth at this particular time and place, to become the highest version of ourselves possible while we are in physical form. God did not make one pattern to create each person - he made each person out of one pattern - then he threw it away and started over with a new, different pattern for the next person! And he did it all out of his abundant supply, enveloped in love.

Do you realize how special you are? There is not another person on the face of the planet just like you. There is not a single human being who has ever lived before you or after you who will be just like you! You are a magnificent, original creation - signed by the Divine artist himself.

Where did he leave his signature - his mark? It is imprinted in your very DNA. But it goes much deeper than that. God left his signature on your soul - you belong to him and you know it at the deepest, most elemental level of your being.

You are a child of the Divine. And that means you have Divinity running through your veins. Claim your birthright by declaring yourself free of limiting thoughts, beliefs and actions.

Go deep within yourself to discover your Divinity. Meditate, contemplate, take time to be still. Stop the mind chatter, the endless repetition of thoughts and just BE. Be still and God will emerge from behind the curtain thrown up by the ego's games. God is there, waiting for you to step in and pull back the cover.

You are more cherished than you have ever let yourself believe. Far more capable than you have allowed yourself to be. A world of infinite possibilities surrounds you, waiting for you to realize your next higher version of yourself.

You are a Child of the Divine. Isn't it time to start acting like one?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I Crossed the Finish Line But My Journey Has Just Begun!

The end - finiti. So final, so definite. But is it?

Thirty days of mediation and saying a Prosperity Affirmation and what do I get? A strong desire to continue on this path!

Something has awakened in me that seeks expression. Perhaps you have felt that longing too, for a different way of life, different choices, dreams fulfilled. And to fulfill that longing, all you have to do is one thing. Nothing complicated, no magic formula.

Just one thing. Change your thoughts and you will change your world.

It is that simple!

A friend of mine sent me the following link to a YouTube video that explains the process beautifully. Check it out at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNXUOQLyX9Q

My journey has just begun - how about you?

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Difference of ONE Degree Can Change Your Life!

Did you know that water boils at 212 degrees? Of course you did! But did you ever think how that one degree difference could impact your life and the vision you hold for yourself? Check out this email I received from Nightingale-Conant...and be sure to take 2 minutes to watch the movie!

The difference between hot water and boiling water is just one degree of heat. While that may not seem like much, it's the difference between a relaxing cup of tea... and being able to power a 50-ton steam locomotive up a mountain. The 212 Movie brilliantly illustrates how one extra degree of heat, that one extra degree of effort, can make all the difference in your life!

This short, 3-minute presentation will immediately energize you, focusing your efforts TODAY, while putting you on a path to out-perform, out-earn, and out-deliver in any area you desire... starting now. After watching the 212 Movie, you'll understand how putting forth just one extra degree of effort can put you over the top — no matter what your pursuit in life.

So... please turn up the volume on your PC, get ready to be energized, then click on the following link to watch "212 — The Extra Degree" (or cut and paste into your browser):


Best wishes for success,

Vic Conant - Chairman, Nightingale-Conant

Is that cool or what? Or should I say, is that hot or what? Thanks for reading and listening!

Monday, August 24, 2009

3 weeks and I am still here

Three weeks into my Spiritual Exercise Program and I am still here! Funny, I feel somewhat off balance, like the rules have changed and I have not quite caught up. Or maybe I am just getting off my negative treadmill and stepping into new territory.

I do know that joy lies in the present moment, that instant of time I have been granted to live and breath in. I have found that my "monkey mind" is much calmer and quieter, which is a nice respite from its usual frantic behavior. The space that was once occupied by MM is now filling up with other things, such as a clearer vision of who I am and what I want to accomplish.

More vision = more focus = more results.

Just think about it - water from a lake spillway can either cover a large area without much results, or it can be channeled to form enough force to power a hydro-electric plant. Clear thinking, focused attention and unshakable belief and certainty is the formula to accomplish anything you desire.

Just watch what happens to me - I have one week to go.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Cause and Effect

Everyone has heard of the Law of Cause and Effect. I always thought it was just a way to teach responsibility to children - if you drop something, it will break and there WILL be consequences. But the Law of Cause and Effect goes much deeper and runs more strongly through our lives than we have ever imagined.

If you look at nature, you will see constant examples of this law in action. Plant a pumpkin seed in good soil, water it and you will grow a pumpkin. Not a squash, not a cucumber, but a pumpkin. Gardeners and farmers understand this law perfectly and they use it to their advantage.

Why don't we use the Law of Cause and Effect to our advantage? Because most of us look at the wrong part of the equation. We tend to focus on the effects, the results of our thoughts, and not the thoughts themselves. If something goes wrong in our life, our first reaction is to look outside ourselves for the explanation.

We are looking the wrong way!

The reason why circumstances may not happen the way you want has nothing to do with the outside world. It has everything to do with your inner world - made up of your thoughts, beliefs and feelings. When you set an intention (I want to win the Lottery) and you don't get it, listen to your reaction to not getting it. If you find yourself saying things like, "It's rigged," or "I am the unluckiest person alive!" then you are focused on the Effect of not winning the Lottery. And you will continue to be disappointed because that was exactly what you intended to happen.

You have to shift your focus to the first half of the equation. Cause. You are the Cause of everything in your life!

What you think about, what you believe about yourself shapes your world. Your thoughts and beliefs are like magnets, attracting like energy from the ocean of potential that we live in. That energy that you attract is actually shaped by you! It becomes form and then materializes in your world.

What if you really want something, then don't get it? Make sure that you were clear in your intention and that all negative or limiting beliefs have been neutralized. If you ask for the Lottery but you do not believe you deserve wealth, what do you think is going to happen? The Lottery is not going to come to you -- your own limiting belief about your self-worth blocked it.

You have the capacity to create your greatest dream life, but you have to ask for it with unshakable faith, certain of the outcome and grateful to God for it having occurred.

It takes time for these new concepts to sink into your thoughts. You have lived your life under one set of beliefs; you can change that in an instant, but usually the ego resists such a drastic change in perspective. So give yourself time, continue to learn and grow.

One valuable tool that has really accelerated my growth is listening to the Ask, Believe and Receive relaxation CD from Dr. Patrick Porter. If you click on www.daretorelax.com and give your name and email, you can download the digital file instantly. Listen to it every day for at least 21 days, and you will begin to notice that you will see the world differently, you will hear the world differently. You will begin to realize that you are truly the Cause of your life. And the effects of that shift in thinking will begin to appear.

The Law of Cause and Effect works the same for everyone. It is the glue that holds the Universe together. Make it work for you, so you create the life of your dreams.

Remember - you are Cause - your life is the Effect.

Now - Go! Create your most wondrous life and be thankful to God for your capacity to be Cause. Joy will fill your heart and prosperity will follow you like a shadow.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Life is a Process

We saw the new movie Julie and Julia last night. The main character, Julie (played by Amy Adams) is a lost young woman without purpose. She floats through life and wonders why she is not as successful as her friends. It is not until she sets up a challenge for herself that activates her passion for cooking that her life turns around.

The challenge? To cook all of Julia Child's 524 recipes in 365 days. And blog about her experiences.

Julie tries to jump ship several times, but she finally feels alive, so she keeps going. She meets the challenge and discovers herself in the process.

It is when we engage in life that life engages us. If we remain bystanders, there is no commitment and no passion. We can disengage at any time, because we never were truly engaged.

Take the time today to think about what truly fires up your passions - those things that make you sing with the energy of creation. Because when you are creating - you are living!

Life is truly a process, that reveals itself at each spin of the globe. To stay spinning on your axis, (instead of spinning out of control) identify and live your purpose. It's your life.

Go for it!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Universe is a Mirror Image of Yourself

What I am learning through my Spiritual Exercise Program is to be alert and aware, because the Universe always mirrors what I believe is true. Let me give you a quick example of what I mean.

About a year ago, we had new neighbors move in next door. They pretty much kept to themselves and so did we, until their dogs began getting out of their yard and staying in ours. I went over there several times and asked nicely if they would please keep their dogs in their own yard.

Well, several weeks passed and this still kept happening. I finally caught David (the guy next door) to find out what the problem was and he blamed it on the fence, which the landlord woul not fix. Of course, David would not pay for the repairs. (turns out that the dogs were digging under the fence, so there was nothing to wrong with the fence itself).

One day, I take my dogs out to the dog run (which shares the same fence as next door). There were two boards missing in the fence, which opened up a space for my dogs to go in his yard. I went back inside to get a hammer and nails, and went back over to the hole. I saw the two boards lying on the ground inside his yard, so I reached in and pulled them back to my side. As I was about to nail the boards back up, David comes running out of his house, yelling and cursing at me to leave those boards alone.

Now, mind you, I still haven't figured out what he is doing or how he did it. All I knew was that there was a hole in the fence and my dogs could get out. I asked him calmly what he was doing, and he snarled, "It's none of your d... business." Of course I told him that it did concern me, because of the dogs, etc. He then starts threatening to call the police because I had trespassed on his property. That's when the lawyer in me kicked in - I told him that he was a renter, that he had the right to possess that property for the length of his lease, but it was not "his" property.

Big mistake on my part.

If looks could kill, I would not be writing this blog right now. I was subjected to the worse verbal abuse you could imagine, all shouted through a foot-wide opening in an old wooden fence. I had to admit it that I used a few cuss words myself. The long and short of it was that he gave me back the boards and I nailed them up on my side of the fence. And we haven't spoken since.

But that's the rub for me - I have replayed that entire incident in my head at least a million times. Every time I think about it, my heart races and my blood pressure shoots to the moon. The emotional energy attached to that incident stayed strong for quite a while.

And then I read somewhere that the Universe reflects your own beliefs back to you. It is actually a mirror image of what you believe about yourself!

I decided to examine the incident from an observer perspective (without the emotional charge) and I saw what I was trying to tell myself. It had to do with money and my perception of rich people.

During David's tirade, he accused me of being "high and mighty" and looking down on "regular folks." He also said I thought I was so much above everyone else because I lived in the biggest house on the block. Basically, that I was a rich snob.

Me? A rich snob? You have got to be kidding - I am the nicest, kindest, most thoughtful...

When I reviewed this incident as an observer, I realized that those statements were EXACTLY what I thought about rich people. That they live in their own world and they have no idea what normal people go through because of money. They spend money on frivolous things when other people could really use that money for something important. That they think they are better than everyone else...

Guess what? If I truly believe those negative things about rich people, is it any wonder why I have not become a millionaire? Why would I want to become like the people I dislike and envy? I wouldn't, and that may be one of the core reasons why I have never made millions of dollars.

Does that leave me stuck in a middle-class world? No! Because all I have to do is change my beliefs about money and how it affects people. Money is simply a barometer that measures your internal success scale. When I know that "I am the source of all wealth..." that means that I create the thoughts and beliefs that the Universe responds to, without fail. And then I am on my way to a life of prosperity and abundance.

Come to think of it, that hole in the fence was the best thing that happened to me. Thanks David for being my mirror!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Life Got in the Way

Remember my promise to you (and myself) that I would chronicle my progress in my Spiritual Exercise Program? On a daily basis? Well, I have a confession to make.

After Day 2, I blew it. I have listened faithfully to the meditation CD and said the Prosperity Affirmation every day, but I failed to write about it. Excuses abound in my mind (we've been busy, the dog ate my computer mouse...) but the whole point of this exercise is to learn to accept myself and stretch my spirit to become more than I am today.

Maybe self-forgiveness is the first place to start in that process.

My capacity to grow and evolve into a higher being is only limited by myself. If I censure myself to the point of inactivity (as in, why bother - it does not matter anyway) then I have just placed a lid on my own growth. By my own judgmental and critical thoughts, I have just perpetuated the very thing I am being so critical of - my lack of diligence.

It's as if I am creating the most wonderful pot of soup on the stove, letting it simmer and bubble to perfection. But the recipe calls for no lid - and I put a lid on anyway. Will it taste the same? No. Will it look the same? No. Will it smell the same? No. So why not follow the recipe and create something wonderful?

This is where Ego steps into the spotlight. Do you know that you are not your ego? You are not that collection of beliefs and thoughts that translate into the critical voice you hear inside your head. That voice is not the Spiritual You - the authentic you who knows what you are here to accomplish in this world while you are in physical form.

The subject of Ego is too massive to address here. If you want to learn more about why we all create an ego, how it controls our thoughts and what you can do to quiet that voice, the book by Ekhart Tolle, A New Earth, is a great read. It will change your perspective on your thoughts, your belief system and most importantly, your goals in life.

My goal is to focus on the spiritual side. But I still have to live in a world driven by stuff - demands made on my time, commitments to fulfill, back to school craziness. The difference is that I accept that sometimes, I just have to say, "It's O.K." pick myself up and go on. Life does get in the way, but I am the way to creating my life.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day 2 - Spiritual Soreness

Today is Day 2 of my "Spiritual Exercise Program." Just like any physical exercise regimen, the second day can be tough. Some of the excitement and newness has worn off and some soreness starts to set in.

My spiritual soreness began today when we had to pay for an unexpected car repair. A hit of $500 that comes out of the blue was enough to throw off my higher vibration and set me back several notches. All of my limiting beliefs about money and finances came flooding back into my consciousness!

But never fear, because I have a V-i-s-i-o-n. It is bigger than these small obstacles and better than where I am right now. Instead of lowering myself to my circumstances, I raise my circumstances up to my higher self.

The trick is to remember that I know what I need to know, when I need to know it. If that sounds like the chorus of a song, you are a genius! Karen Taylor Good is a fabulous song-writer/singer and she wrote a wonderful song with the same title.

I know that I am awash in abundance and wealth. I know that I deserve abundance and wealth of mind, body, spirit, and emotions. I know that my outer circumstances do not define my inner universe. Instead, my inner universe takes form when I manifest my desires into reality.

At least, that is what the Prosperity Affirmation says.

Maybe that is why I need 30 days to digest these concepts. My current belief system is based on lots of negativity about money, finances, and my ability to earn and keep such things. My vision is that I will replace such limiting concepts with liberating ideas about my value in the world.

A long road stretches ahead of me, to an endlessly distant horizon...where the golden orb of truth shimmers. I just hope I can make the journey without getting too discouraged... (dramatic sigh, hand held to forehead, worried expression creasing my brow while I swoon gracefully...)

Or I can just decide to throw away all the drama and start fresh. Think I'll just keep singing my song (thank you Karen Taylor Good) and see what happens.

"I know all that I need to know, when I need to know it.
And when I forget that's so, the Universe will show it.
There seems to be a plan at work and there's nothing I can throw it.
So all I know I need to know, when I need to know it."

Fade to dusk, as my silhouette skips happily along the yellow brick road into the fading sunlight...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Making My Soul Sing - A Spiritual Exercise Program

Today I started an exercise program for my spirit. It is very simple and hopefully, very effective. I will listen to a 30 minute mediation and read a 5 minute Prosperity Affirmation every morning for the next 30 days. Hopefully, changes made on the inside will transform my life, on the outside.

Today is the first day. It bothered me that I hadn't thought to begin this program on August 1st; instead it began on August 4th. The lack of symmetry was appalling to a person of my highly developed anal-retentive nature, but I decided to let it go. It was my first act of freedom - to just let it go.

Maybe there is something to this...

Tonight we watched the movie, Confessions of a Shopaholic. I thought it was going to be a piece of fluff with alot of comedic gags thrown in to keep the audience happy. Instead, it was about relationships and how we allow them to define who we are. Rebecca Greenwood is a confirmed shopaholic who is swimming in credit card debt. Her view of the world is tainted by her relationships with things - expensive things that she can't afford. Through a series of mishaps and mayhem, she discovers what she should have known all along. It is the relationship with herself that defines her world, not the other way around.

And that is exactly why I am exercising my spirit - in the hopes that I will come to define myself. Without hestitation, without doubt and without judgment. Because you know what? The only person you can never divorce in the entire world is...yourself. So you had better get to know her and love her, because you are stuck with her.

Or you could fall in love. With yourself.

I have now added a new element to my exercise program. A new blog will be posted every night to chronicle my progress. It may prove boring or inspiring. There is simply no way to tell.

But we'll never know unless we begin the journey. Are you with me?

Friday, July 3, 2009

Who is on Your Bus?

The following exercise is from The Dark Side of the Shadow Chasers by Debbie Ford. (A must read for anyone seeking to learn more about their spiritual side).

Imagine that you are about to get on a bus that is loaded with a strange and different set of people. They all seem to know you, but you may not recognize them. As you are seated on the bus, several people approach you and want your attention. For some reason, you chose the person who seems to need you the most. You walk off the bus and have a conversation. And you discover something remarkable - all the people on the bus represent one aspect of your life - the good and the bad, the light and the shadows. By taking the time to connect with each person, you discover parts of yourself and come to understand why you act the way you do or carry negative beliefs that harm your growth.

It sounds a little hookey, but try it for yourself. This exercise helps clear out old beliefs to make way for new, empowering ones. Debbie recommends that you name each person, describe him or her as precisely as you can and imagine the encounter happening right now. The following story is what I encountered after taking a ride on "my bus."

It has been awhile since my last bus ride. When I stepped inside, I knew exactly who I wanted to find - Polly Procrastinator. I walked down the aisle asking everyone else if they had seen her. Tina Tuneless said that she was supposed to be here. Dolly Darling agreed, but added that you could always count on Polly to not follow through.

I finally spotted Polly walking slowly toward the bus. I went outside and grabbed her arm, dragging her to the bench where we could sit and talk. Polly was not pleased with my direct approach. "Leave me alone," she cried. "I have better things to do than talk to you!"

I knew that these messages were all a ploy to distract me from my real purpose. My insistence became forceful and Polly finally sat down.

I studied her for a moment. Black hair streaked with grey flew around her face (no time to color the hair or get it cut). Her brown eyes were dull and listless, while her skin tone was almost ashen (no time to take care of herself). Polly's clothes were shapeless and hung from her skinny frame (no time to shop or work out). She wore a long black coat that made her look almost invisible. In short, she looked like an unkempt bag lady who was not engaged in the business of living.

"What do you need from me?" I asked her in all seriousness.

Suddenly, the pretense vanished. Polly's eyes shone like spot lights into mine as she said intensely, "I need for you to not get overwhelmed at projects. And don' t let fear of failure stop you from taking action."

I nodded my understanding. I have a tendency to take on too much at one time, and not focus on one project until it is completed. And my inner critic always works overtime whenever I am starting a new venture or project.

I asked the second question that would yield the treasure. "What is your gift?"

Polly immediately stood up and flung out her arms. "I am all of your negative beliefs about yourself," she cried. Her coat opened up and then I saw what had been hidden from my view. The entire inside lining of her coat was covered in badges and pins. Each one had an expression or saying, such as "You are not worthy," or "You can't make money being creative," or "You can't handle your money."

After reading about five of these messages, I had had enough. I could feel the fog of indecision roll over me, paralyzing me from taking action. "O.K. I get the picture!" I cried in desperation.

Polly just looked at me with a sad smile and shook her head. She closed the coat and turned to get on the bus.

Suddenly, I realized what I had just done. "Hey, you tricked me!"

Polly turned so quickly that her coat swirled out in a wave of motion. The badges and pins clinked together at the motion. She walked back and stopped in front of me.

"I have been doing that to you almost your entire life." She opened her coat again and asked gently, "Don't you think its time to change? I really don't have room for any more badges."

I realized I had a choice to make. Let Polly get back on my bus and continue to run my life, or take her up on her offer and change.

I chose change.

Polly raised her arms to heaven and sang "Allelieua" then started shaking like a tree caught in a hurricane. Badges and pins began falling from her coat in a rainstorm of metal. It did not take long for a rather large pile of badges to form.

"Hey - what are you doing?" I cried in alarm.

"You won't be needing these anymore," she said calmly. "Pick one up," she commanded.

I bent down and grabbed the first one at the top of the pile. I noticed for the first time that it had writing on both sides! The front said, "I am not worthy." When I slowly turned it over in my hand, the other side shone like gold. "I am worthy" glowed up at me. I smiled and turned to look at her.

"You are all of these things - the good and the bad. It is your decision which side you chose to focus on." Polly paused for effect as she gave her last bit of wisdom. "Good thoughts attract more good thoughts. Bad thoughts..."

I nodded my understanding and said, "Thank you for this gift!" Polly grinned in delight and walked away, skipping every other step. I turned back toward the bus, wondering what other gifts I would encounter.

Just as I was about to get onboard, I happened to glance back at the shiny metal pile. It was much smaller than I remembered, so I watched for a few minutes. Suddenly, the answer was in front of my eyes, and I laughed with joy. Everyone on the bus was watching the spectacle and soon there were many voices added to my own.

Several squirrels were standing around the pile, picking and chosing which badge to take back to their nest. What a great use of materials that I no longer needed - talk about recycling!

By taking the time to examine one of my shadows, I found the gift. Try this exerise for yourself - you will be amazed at the hidden treasures that are waiting for you to discover!

May you meet your shadows and discover the gifts that waits for you.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Live From the Inside-Out!

Have you ever heard of an "inside-out" hamburger? The bun is in the middle and the meat, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, etc. are on the outside. Eating it with your hands is a challenge, but it tastes just the same as the traditional hamburger. All the same ingredients are there, just arranged in a different order. But you have a totally different experience!

Your life can be that way. Instead of making decisions because of outside factors or considerations, start from within. Take the time to connect with your true self and listen to what it needs. Then take action. Because you started from the inside, your final result will be different than if you started from the outside.

And isn't that what you want - different results?

Remember, we are spiritual beings living in a human form. What makes us unique is not what we can see, feel, taste, smell or touch. Our uniqueness lies within, and that is where we are connected. We all share the same droplet of spirit that came from the same source. You are no better or worse than me - we are equal beneficiaries of an amazing Universe!

Once your spirit awakens to your potential, it will not be satisfied until you live your life from your true source. Spend time with yourself and enjoy your company. Read books on spirituality, such as Michael Bernard Beckwith's Life Visioning Process or anything by Marianne Williamson, Joe Vitale, Lisa Nichols, James Arthur Ray or Jack Canfield. Listen to audio programs that expand your thinking, such as the 11Forgotten Laws by Bob Proctor. Once you begin your spiritual journey, your life will expand exponentially.

Your life can change one thought at a time. Let your inner spirit be your guide and miracles will happen. Live from the inside-out - and get your hands messy!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Shadows of Forgiveness

In my last post, I spoke about the shadows we all carry around with us. Events from our past, circumstances we blame for our present predicament, people who have hurt us. Can we ever be rid of these shadows and live a joyous life?

The short answer is --- YES!

The long answer is contained in the rest of this post. Shadows are a necessary part of our growth process. They are there for a reason - to stimulate your desire for change and evolution. When you embrace the gifts contained in your shadows, you will be free to create the life you were meant to live.

But how do you embrace a shadow? One of the best methods I have found is to follow the 13 Steps to Forgiveness contained in the book, Radical Forgiveness by Colin Tipping. It is a very simple process with profound results. Go to www.RadicalForgiveness.com and check it out for yourself. I promise you will experience a shift in your perspective and a change in your energy if you go through the 13 steps and complete a worksheet.

Remember, we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. When you realize that the person you are upset at is also a spiritual being, it changes things, doesn't it? And when you can recast the situation or events into a spiritual setting, you will be amazed at the insights that will come to you. And you will bless that person or those events for the lessons they taught you.

Come celebrate life with me - free of your old doubts, fears or worries.

Dance the dance of spirit - your shadows will join you!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Embrace Your Shadows and Be Free

Shadows are elusive, without physical form and impossible to contain. They are as attached to us as our hair or skin. Just as light shines on our physical bodies, creating a shadow, so does the beam of enlightenment shine on our emotional shadows.

We learn from an early age that some emotions are not appropriate - jealousy, anger, pity, greed. Because of the training we receive, most of us shove these emotions under the surface of our awareness, into the "shadow world" of our self. But just like a ball that is held under water, these shadow feelings will pop up into our awareness so they can be acknowledged and processed. If we fail to understand that these emotions cannot stay repressed, however, we will always feel at the mercy of "events" and "others," instead of recognizing that we are trying to heal ourselves.

Shadow emotions hold gifts - they teach us things about ourselves that must be recognized to be whole. For example, greediness can hold the gift of abundance. When greediness takes over your psyche, you assume that there is not enough, so you must take all you can grab. Having experienced greediness, you can then step back and see that the universe is based on abundance principles, not limitation. Therefore, there is no need for greed or hoarding, because there is enough for everyone. Without acknowledging your shadow of greed, you will never discover the gift of abundance.

There are as many shadows as there are people. Your task is to discover your own particular shadows, call them forth, and acknowledge them. Ask to be shown the gifts they bring you, and honor it. The energy that you spent holding that emotion beneath the surface of your consciousness will shift.

And you will be free to be yourself.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

You Can Be Free: Does the Bog Ever Get You?

You Can Be Free: Does the Bog Ever Get You?

Does the Bog Ever Get You?

Do you ever get "bogged down"? "Bog" stands for "Bad Ongoing Garbage" or in other words, those negative thought patterns and beliefs that keep you stuck in Victim Land.

Victim Land is a subtle place, where you are deceived into thinking that you are O.K., and the problem lies with everyone else. It's OUT THERE, not in here. And that, my friend is a huge mistake. No one ever grows in Victim Land - they just remain stuck in the garbage of blame, doubt, resentment and anger. Your ego may be happy for you to stay in Victim Land, but your spirit certainly is not.

When you are stuck in Victim Land, nothing seems to go right. You expect the worse to happen and it usually does. Confirmation of your "bog" thoughts is an easy thing to accomplish. But you can get off of that road and onto another highway.

How do you do it?

Easy - look around you and say "thank you" for the first thing you see for which you are grateful. It might be your cup of coffee; your computer; even your cat. But the very fact that you are breathing in oxygen and reading this blog is sufficient proof that you have things in your life for which to be grateful.

Watch your mood shift as you begin to speak your gratitude. Your cat may think you're strange, but your heart and spirit will rejoice. The resonance of your voice saying, "I am so thankful and grateful now that..." will lift your vibration to a higher level. And you will leave Victim Land behind.

Simple, yet very effective. It becomes a habit to get yourself out of the "bog."

Thanks for taking the time to read this tiny snippet of words. It certainly helped me to write them and it reminded me to follow my own advice!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Have you found your Rainbow?

Have you found your rainbow yet?

It is there, waiting for the sunlight to find it.
Brilliant colors, magical spheres
Whisps of water surround it.

See your rainbow with your inner eye;
Hear the heavenly music with your inner ear;
And feel the rain mix with your tears.

Stop and listen, without censor or judgment.
Love the Divine that lives in you and see
The Glory of God in everything that surrounds you.

Have you found your rainbow yet...or has your rainbow found you?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Path of Least Resistance

I had a revelation on Friday. I discovered the truth about the phrase, "the path of least resistance" and learned something about myself in the process.

I returned home from work on Friday and as soon as I walked in the door, I felt all the negative thoughts, criticisms and judgments about my ability to successfully pursue my own path. I had a zillion little things to do that are all tiny steps on my path, and I made the mistake of thinking, "You'll never make any money from that, you never have." I felt that negative vortex start to pull me under and just I was about to give in (and give up), I stopped and sat down at the kitchen table.

I took a deep breath and asked, "What is going on here?" When my mind had quieted, I realized that my ego was doing its self-sabotaging dance and wanted me to be the partner. I was intimately familiar with this process, having accepted it without question for most of my life. But something inside me said, "No, let's take a look at this first."

I closed my eyes and saw two paths in front of me. The left path was difficult to see because of all the weeds growing over it. Vines hung like curtains from the trees that lined the path and I could only see a few feet ahead. The right path was clean, simple and free of debris. I could see for miles and there was noise and activity going on further down the path. I wanted to see what was happening, but realized I had to step on the right path first.

I realized that I had a choice in that moment. I could do what I had always done and go down the left side. I would become frustrated, angry, bitter and resentful because of all the obstacles in my way. I would eventually give up and decide that paths are not for everyone and then I would start over, at the beginning.

Or I could try something new and make a conscious choice to go down the right side. I am proud to say that I chose the right hand side.

My decision was based on many factors. I realized that I had never found happiness, joy or contentment by following the left path. I knew that way was not for me anymore. And I reached an important conclusion - why follow a path out of habit when it was not taking me to a better place?

After making my decision to follow a different path, my mood totally changed. I was happy again, eager to get started on my tasks. As I walked up the stairs to my office, I realized I had just stepped back from my beliefs, looked at them objectively, and discovered they no longer served me.

My Observer had finally appeared!

Many spiritual teachers talk about developing your own "Observer" to help identify the beliefs that are holding back your progress. You cannot identify those beliefs unless you step back from them and see how they impact your life. The Observer is the only way to do that.

The "path of least resistance" usually refers to someone who is trying to take a shortcut or cut corners. But on Friday, I realized that it can also mean "the path without old resistance."

Everyone on the planet is walking on their path - it may be cluttered with all kinds of resistance planted by the ego. But when you clear away your self-defeating belief patterns, your path becomes clear and open. Besides making it easier to pursue your journey, clearing the resistance also allows the Universe to supply you with the tools you need to continue.

You open your inner self to receive the flow of all good that is ever circulating around us!

So take out your inner machete and start clearing your path of resistance. Amazing things will start to happen!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

To Expand or Contract? That is the Question.

The famous quote from Shakespeare, "To be or not to be" has its place in immortality. Many things have been written about these five simple words. Philosophers, intellectuals and other esteemed people have placed their interpretation on this essential phrase. But what does it really mean?

We are human BEINGS, always in the act of creating our reality. The word "being" is a verb - active and expressive of an unseen force that flows through all of nature and through all of us. We are creative BEINGS, always in the act of creation. But what happens when we learn habits that smother our creative powers, merely because we start living our life automatically?

We become human BEANS.

The word "bean" sounds just like "being" but they represent two totally different concepts. A "bean" is an inanimate thing. It cannot chose how to react, nor can it chose to anything different than what it was made to be. The concept of free will does not apply to a bean; only to human beings.

But a bean is still alive. It can still grow, right? True, but it does not chose when to grow or sprout. It just does, just like it was programmed to do by the unseen force that underlies all of nature. A bean grows into what it was created to become. Nothing more, nothing less. And as long as it receives the nutrients it needs to grow, a bean cannot decide to become a different plant or animal. It has no say in the matter.

But we do have a say! The question is whether we realize our "being" or do we ignore it?

After listening to the audio course, "The 11 Forgotten Laws" I realized that in every waking moment, I am faced with a fundamental choice about my life. One basic decision stands behind my thoughts, which turn into beliefs, which then turn into action. That decision is whether or not I chose in that moment to "BE." Do I chose to become a higher version of myself, or do I decide "not to be" that person?

In other words, to paraphrase Shakespeare, "To expand or not to expand."

It does not have quite the same ring to it, does it? But the essential message is still expressed. In this moment (which is all I have) do I chose to expand my awareness and consciousness, by expressing my true self through my words and actions? Or do I chose to contract myself by being judgmental, critical, bitter, resentful, etc?

The decision is always left up to me. And the consequences are always my own.

Try this today - whenever you are faced with a situation where you could react either positively or negatively, ask yourself, "Do I expand or contract?" At first, this will seem awkward and perhaps may even upset you, but you will soon discover that you have been reacting habitually to situations instead of living in that moment. By forcing yourself to stop for a second to contemplate and deliberately chose your reaction, you begin to take back your life.

If you faithfully practice this simple process, you will start to accumulate moments in which you were totally present. Your thoughts were not distracted, you were not operating on automatic pilot, and you became aware of the consequences of your actions.

In other words, you were a human BEING in that moment.

And it feels great! Enthusiasm, joy, love and wonder will begin to fill your heart. You may even feel your very soul stand up, stretch, and say, "Finally! You woke up!"

"To be or not to be." That truly is the question for all of us.

Friday, April 17, 2009

You Can Be Free: The Cathedral Challenge

You Can Be Free: The Cathedral Challenge

The Cathedral Challenge

Have you ever walked into a cathedral when it was quiet and still? As soon as the wooden doors closed behind you, did you feel a sudden awareness that this space was special and holy? Did your soul quicken in excitement and whisper, "This is where you find me"?

I had this experience when I visited Nortre Dame Cathedral in Paris many years ago. It was August and the stifling heat of Paris was left behind as soon as we stepped inside the massive doors. Although the place was packed with tourists, their voices faded when I stepped from the nave into the main body of the church.

I was awestruck.

Alcoves lined the walls, each one dancing in its own candlelight. The main aisle lead up to the altar like an arrow, drawing me forward. Incense filled the air with a mystical scent. The art work and architecture were stunning, but it was the space - the vastness - of the interior that spoke to me.

I saw a vision of monks in their coarse, brown robes walking slowly up the aisles, chanting softly. Their reverence for each other, this special place and for God were tangible feelings that I somehow understood. As I watched, the perspective changed and instead of being an outsider watching a procession, I became one of the monks!

I was the last in line, the novice, trying to step in cadence with my brothers who led the way. I carried the latern in my right hand, and I held it high to light the way. Words of an unknown, but familiar chant fell from my lips and I felt as if I were one with these people, this place and with the Spirit of God that connected us.

The vision only lasted the span of several heartbeats. But I was transported to a different relm - a place where I was special, valued and loved. I have never had that experience before or since, but it has obviously stayed with me as a moment to ponder.

Life goes on and moments to ponder become few and far between. Until a passage in a book I was reading by Paulo Coelho startled me into remembering my vision. In the Zahir, Mr. Coelho describes a cathedral in Vitoria, Spain that started out as a small chapel. Over the years, the chapel became a church, then after more than a century, it became a Gothic cathedral. Over time, it was venerated and then neglected. Restoration work had taken place haphazardly over the years, but the cathedral withstood everything.

The main character's visit to this cathedral merged with my experience at Notre Dame. Let me quote the passage and see if you don't agree:

"And suddenly, in the middle of the central nave, I realize something very important; the cathedral is me, it is all of us. We are all growing and changing in shape, we notice certain weaknesses that need to be corrected, we don't always choose the best solution but we carry on regardless, trying to remain upright and decent, in order to do honor not to the walls or the doors or the windows, but to the empty space inside, the space where we worship and venerate what is dearest and most important to us." The Zahir, by Paulo Coelho, Page 54.''

It was an "aha" moment for me! Now I understood why that grand empty space called Nortre Dame affected me so deeply. My inner space yearned to expand and grow. Instead of focusing on what is important to my soul and creating an active inner life, I was focused on fixing the exterior - the doors, walls and windows of my life. But those are the trappings of a material world that dissolve when I pass from this world.

My cathedral, my space that is uniquely my own, requires focus and attention to expand and grow. My challenge is to find the way to do that, and to share my journey with others. Only then will the cathedral of my spirit be free to express itself in the material world of form.

Are you ready to begin your own Cathedral Challenge?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Change and the Stream of Life

Change. It can be a word to dread or a condition to fear. Especially now, when it seems that the entire world is spinning on a different axis and all the rules are different.

But what about your personal life? What kind of changes have you spinning in confusion or fear? Everyone has their own personal list with the changes they have to face.

But let's take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

Have you ever heard of the Stream of Life? We are all immersed in it, but it is our personal choice whether to be in the middle, where the turbulent water is the most active, or to the side near the shore, where calmness prevails. But what is the Stream of Life?

It is an wonderful analogy that describes the ever abundant flow of the Universe. It acts as a model for our own reactions to events that seem to occur randomly in our lives. And finally, the Stream of Life connects us to the primal force that moves through all of us - love.

The Universe is ever expanding and increasing. Look at nature and you will see new growth on trees, plants and flowers. The birds are busy building new homes of their future young and calves, foals and baby goats can been seen frolicking in pastures, next to their mamas. Growth and change are part of the Universal language. Nature does not resist this inevitable fact of life, why do we?

Because we are the only one of all of God's creatures who have a choice about life. We can choose to be baker, a scientist or a candlestick maker. We can choose to be pessimistic or optimistic. We can choose where to live and what to wear. And we choose how we react to change.

Nature can't do that. An oak tree cannot say, "I'm tired of being an oak tree. I want to be a beautiful Aspen and live in the mountains." A cardinal can't say, "I am so sick of the color red. I want to be blue, like the Blue Jay." Well...you get the point.

Our ability to choose is our greatest freedom and our worst enemy. If we question our choices or debate about "what we should have done" we step out of the Stream of Life. If we feel guilty or angry about our choices, we block the flow of the Stream in our Life. And if our judgment about ourselves and our situation is too harsh, we deflate our own power.

Life stops flowing through us.

Close your eyes and picture a mountain stream. The water flows constantly towards its final destination, the ocean. When the water encounters a boulder or tree limb, it does not debate whether to go left or right. The water does not question why the obstacle is there or what the water did wrong to bring on such a disaster. The water does not question its own value and decrease its own power.

Instead, the water bends around the boulder, flows up or under the tree limb, and it keeps going, more powerful than before it came upon the obstacle!

What would happen if we followed the stream's example in our own life? Instead of resisting change, we decide to flow with it and look for the opportunities that wait to be discovered. Instead of playing the victim ("Why is this happening to me?") we ask ourselves, "What am I supposed to learn from this situation to become a bigger and better person?" Work on your reactions to change and you will begin to experience a different reality.

Change is inevitable. We can't change change! All we can do is accept that change will always be present in our life. It is our reaction to change that either propels us forward as part of the Stream of Life, or hampers our progress. Flow with changes and you will discover peace and happiness.

And you will be connected to your own source of power and goodness. Universal love.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Ever Heard of the Law of Attraction?

If you are following this blog, then you have probably seen The Secret, the hit movie that came out in the summer of 2006 on the Internet. It spawned an entirely new industry of positive psychology experts who teach the Law of Attraction and other related concepts. If you have not seen The Secret, you can download a copy from your computer by visiting www.thesecret.tv. or buying a copy from that same website.

The Law of Attraction simply states that like energy attracts like energy. Every person on the planet operates his own "broadcasting" station, which sends out signals or vibrations to the Universe. The Universe always responds and events, people and things will emerge in your life based on the matches made between your broadcast signal and the Universe.

But what are the broadcast signals made of? Your thoughts! What you think determines your life. If you think, "I want to be rich" you know what you get? More wanting to "be rich." The Universe does not differentiate between "a want" and "a need." It will fulfill the strongest emotional content of your thought. And if your emotions are centered on wanting, that is what you get - more wanting.

Do you see how powerful you are? You determine what you get in your life!

The basic concept is that you are the cause of the events in your life. You are not "the effect" of something acting on you. You are the reason your life is the way it is. And if you are the cause, then you can change it. But how?

It's simple - just change the channel!

When you change your thoughts and perspective from "bad things keep happening to me" to "I am prosperous and energetic," guess what happens? A shift occurs and you start broadcsating an entirely different set of signals to the Universe. You have just stepped from "victimhood" to "causation." And you will start seeing different results in your life.

"But I have tried that," you cry in frustration. "It didn't work!"

You might have think you tried it, but I can guarantee you that your old pattern of limited thinking was still operating in the background. We all have a voice inside our heads that judges our actions, our goals and our life, usually in a negative and self-defeating tone. This voice is the voice of the ego - that mind creation that allows us to filter the millions of pieces of information that constantly bombards us. Unfortunately, the ego also plays games with us to stay in control. If the ego feels threatened or powerless, the onslaught of thoughts it spews forth is similar to "Old Faithful."

So how do you turn off the ego and its negative thought train?

Will power is not enough. The ego draws its energy from will power and is very good at convincing you that it is correct. The only way to deal with the ego is to bypass it.

Focus on listening to your Spiritual Intelligence - that inner voice who is your source. Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith has just released his new book, called Spiritual Liberation. He describes this process beautifully and recommends that we ask the following questions when the ego is on a rampage:

1) What good can I find in this situation?
2) What good is trying to emerge from this situation?
3) What may I do to help it emerge?

Dr. Beckwith states that "your life unfolds, in part, according to the type of questions you place before yourself. By asking relevant questions...a whole new world of insight, beauty, intelligence and intuition will spring into expression through you."

Make a commitment to learn more about the Laws of the Universe and your place in it. As you change your perspective and begin to evolve more in consciousness, you will begin to "wake up" to your spiritual self. And your life will never be the same again!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Garden of Your Mind

Forgiveness. What images does that word raise up in your mind? A person with their head bowed, while another stands over them and smiles gently? The forgiver standing tall, being the bigger person, while the forgivee (the person being forgiven) bows in surrender, becoming smaller in the process?

I have another image of forgiveness I want you to consider. One that does nothing to the forgivee but everything for the forgiver.

A garden.

Think of all the transgressions against you, the hurts, the slights, the rejection by the one you most cared about, as the weeds in the garden of your mind. The more you dwell on the past, and feel those strong emotions that were triggered by the negative event, the more you water the weeds. Science has proven that thoughts are bundles of energy - if your thoughts are constantly reviewing, analyzing and reliving the past, you are directing energy (water) to your "weed thoughts."

And guess what? Weeds continue to grow if given water! (Heck, they grow without water, so why encourage them?)

How do you get rid of weeds? You pull them out by the roots. If you just pull out just the part you can see, the weed will grow back. It is the same thing with your thoughts.

We are programmed from childhood to hold onto our hurt. The "why" of that process is beyond the scope of this blog. But fortunately, the "how" of weeding your garden is not. Because the Universe is an orderly place and there are laws which keep the order. Follow the laws and you will get the results you seek!

When you plant good seed in your garden, nature will do her part and the seed will grow into what it is. Plant corn, and corn will grow. Plant cucumbers, and you will receive cucumbers. Can anyone tell me of a time when someone planted tomato seeds and received radishes instead? It just does not happen!

The Law of Cause of Effect will not let it happen.

This is a law that governs everything in form, but it also governs the formless. Your thoughts. The emotions that are triggered by your thoughts. And the actions you take because of the thoughts which triggered the emotions which compelled you to act.

Follow this logic with me. If thoughts are bundles of energy that are subject to the same laws as a tomato seed, and if I am in control of my thoughts, then I can control what type of thought I allow in my mind. And if I chose to have only positive, self-affirming thoughts about myself and every person and situation that I encounter, what do you suppose will be the result?

A beautiful life!

But what happens when the weeds (negative thoughts) keep reappearing? How do you pull them up by the roots so they are gone forever?

That is where forgiveness comes in. A Course in Miracles defines forgiveness in a unique way. To paraphrase, forgiveness is defined as a shift in perception that removes a block in me to the Divine. Forgiveness does not involve the other person who did you wrong - it directly impacts you! The weeds you hold onto so tight are a block in your own perception. And when you let them go - the block dissolves and you can see the situation clearly and from a different perspective.

I will tell you how to weed your mental garden in the next post. If you want to become immersed in this subject, go to www.MiracleIncome.com and click on the link to The 11 Forgotten Laws by Bob Proctor. The material included in that course will help you to wake up and plant only thoughts with good vibrations in the garden of your mind.

Enjoy the harvest!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Forgive the Mental Strips

I was asked by a waiter at Chili's last night what I gave up for Lent (the ashes on my forehead were a dead giveaway). Such a casual question for such an important decision! I gave some flip answer but the question stayed with me.

What could I give up to enhance my evolution into the next higher and greater version of myself?

Today the answer came to me. I did not embrace the idea at first; in fact, there was an instant, strong resistance to the very suggestion. Why such a powerful reaction to such a simple concept? Then I realized what was happening. The very idea of it threatened my ego and it responded accordingly. Now I knew I was on the right track!

So what am I going to give up for Lent?


I am sure that strikes you as odd - why would someone give up an attribute that we are supposed to practice? That is the common perspective, and true up to a point. If the phrase "give up" means to abstain from, resist or avoid, then forgiveness is not something that should be "given up." The negative side of the "giving up" phrase is the one that most people understand. But there is a positive interpretation with a deeper meaning that dovetails nicely into the Easter message.

To "give up" also means "to offer" or "lift up" or "to release."

Do you see the difference? If I offer forgiveness to those people who hurt me, I release the hurt from my mind. I no longer devote precious energy to thinking about how much it hurt, or how I will get that person back for what they did. I actually free myself from myself!

It is just like those like those thin, metal strips in the junk yard I described in my last blog. Every time you are rejected, hurt or treated unfairly, another mental strip is added to your thought junk pile. After a while, (if you follow this practice religiously), you will discover that all of your thoughts involve the junk pile. And on occasion, when you are feeling really special, you might even dig through the pile to find your most special, most powerful and favorite mental strip to prove that you win the prize for The Best Victim!

This practice always originates in the ego - that mind creation that usually dominates the victim mindset. Think about why the ego wants you to be entrapped in always thinking about or searching your junk pile. If you are so caught up or immersed in holding on to past hurts, events or slights, then you can not live in the moment. Your past is polluting your present. And you ability to stay focused in the present moment is destroyed. (to learn more about the ego's games and their effects on the present moment, read Ekhart Tolle's The Power of Now and A New Earth).

But let's get back to the main topic for today - forgiveness.

I am not referring to being the "bigger" person and "granting" my forgiveness. That is a false definition - again, from the ego! If I forgive as the ego would have me do it, then I walk away thinking I am better than you. That even though you hurt me, I should be congratulated for taking the high road. The ego would have you focus on the effect of forgiveness on yourself - not the situation.

Ego forgiveness keeps you going back to your junk pile, removing a mental strip, then taking it and putting into a new pile of junk labeled "Forgiveness." Now you have two piles of polluting thoughts to go to whenever you want! You have just duplicated the first junk pile and stored it under a new heading.

Does that make any sense?

There is a spiritual dimension of forgiveness that takes away blame, condemnation and accusations. A Course in Miracles hit the nail on the head when it defined forgiveness as a "shift in perception." But what does that mean?

The forgiveness I want to offer to God is to go back through my mental junk pile, examine each and every strip I have been hoarding, embrace it as a necessary part of my spiritual evolvement, and then let it go. Literally!

Let me give you an example. This morning, I sat quietly and breathed deeply for several moments. When I felt calm and my mind was quiet, I saw myself walking over to my mental pile (I am embarrassed to say it stands taller than me!) and I chose one mental strip from the stack. I read the particular hurt that I had inscribed on it, recalled the incident in every detail, and felt again every emotion attached to that strip. I don't run from the strength of the emotion, or the type of emotion - I just let it bubble up. After all of the emotion that surrounded that event had surfaced, I smiled at it, thanked it for being part of my life, and walked away.

When I opened my eyes, I felt lighter - more vibrant and free. A slight energy shift had just taken place. Instead of holding onto that mental strip (and all of the emotion attached to it) I had released the energy surrounding it. I no longer stored the energy from that event to use in the future. And because I accepted the event and my emotional reaction to it, the energy transformed into something good. It became a small step in the stairway of my evolution to become the highest, best expression of myself. I am going to use this technique every day for the next 40 days, and at Easter, I will be the proud owner of a much smaller thought junk pile!

This new vision of higher self pulls me forward. It makes me excited to think of the possibilities.

Imagine, celebrating Easter and embracing its message of hope and renewal, without the weight and resistance created by your mental junk pile!

Forgive your mental strips and you will be free!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Left or Right Trail - Junk or Treasure?

During my morning walk on the hike-bike trail near our house, I noticed something peculiar. On the left side of the trail, a junk yard stood in all of its glory. Heaps of washing machines, dryers and refrigerators were piled in a line. Spools of wire were in another pile. But is was the third heap that caught my attention.

It was a man-made mountain of long, metal strips, each strip about 1 foot wide, 10 feet long and less than 2 inches thick. This debris stretched as least 30 feet long and more than 10 feet high. How many of those metal strips were in that pile? Hundreds? Thousands?

That pile was not created by itself. It started out flat, then as more and more metal strips were piled on top of each other, it grew in breath and scope. Until finally, it stood as a testament to man's wasteful habits.

Don't we do that to ourselves? We pile on judgment and criticism until our Real Self, our Essential Being, is so covered in piles of garbage that it can't breathe. Much less be expressed in our lives.

Let go of the metal (mental) strips that are hiding your Spiritual Self. They are the ego's creation to keep it on the throne of control in your life. Meditate on the fact that God made you, to live here right now and to be the greatest expression of You that is possible.

And then turn your attention to the right side of the trail.

My walk was not surrounded by ugliness. In fact, the right side of the trail is beautiful - large, old pecan and elm trees form a graceful canopy. Song birds flitted in and out of the tree branches, serenading me with beautiful music. A quiet breeze gently touched me before it played in the leaves on the side of the trail. Nature at its best.

When my attention was drawn back to the left side, I found "junkyard" thoughts started invading my mind. Money worries, family relationship conflicts, even chastising myself for not walking the dogs before I left, entered my thoughts. When I realized what I was doing, I immediately looked to the right side of the trail, and felt peace return.

The point is that we are surrounded by junk and treasure. But you get to chose which one to contemplate, consider and use to inspire you, or depress you. This choice is made every moment of every day for the rest of your life.

Chose to think thoughts that expand yourself through inspiration, creativity and love. Contracting thoughts stifle, judge and criticize - they are the metal strips of junk weighing you down. And you are a willing participant if you continue to give energy to negative thoughts or judgments that form a prison around the soul.

Breath in deeply. Do this often. It cleanses your mind and releases any toxins or anxiety you may be holding against yourself. Let yourself be nurtured by nature. Relax into your existence and be gentle with yourself.

The right trail for you is the one that makes you joyful, peaceful and happy.

Which one do you choose?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Divine Spark

Have you ever looked up into the night sky and felt a pull towards something greater than you? Do you realize that you have greatness within you that was given to you at birth?

A spark of the Divine is included in every baby that is born. It doesn't matter what the external circumstances are surrounding that birth; name, race and sex is immaterial. What culture or society that baby was born into does not change the fact that he or she was born with the Divine within them.

What are we supposed to do with this piece of God?

That question has kept a lot of people up at night, as they struggle for happiness amidst their particular circumstances. They cry out to God (or whoever they believe is supreme) and wonder why did all of these bad things happen to me?

Maybe there is another, more potent, more empowering question that should be asked.

"What is the good that I am to receive from this situation?"

Because no matter what the circumstance, no matter how much pain is involved, there is always good. Because we live in a world that exists because of opposites. We would not recognize pleasure without knowing pain. We would not know how to love unless hate had been experienced at some point. And we cannot feel happy without feeling sad.

So there is always something good that will arise from what looks like a bad situation. Because you can't have "bad" unless you also have "good."

So look for the good and you will discover the Divine.

And gratitude will fill you up to overflowing, because who wouldn't be grateful when they find their own, personal, piece of God?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What is your piece of the Divine?

Have you ever wondered why you are here, at this time in history, in this particular place with the characteristics, talents and interests that only you possess? The answer lies within you, not somewhere outside.

When you were created, God put a small piece of himself in you. It is that drop of the Divine that urges you to seek meaning in your life. That Divine drop of eternal love will lead you to peace, joy and happiness. But how do you connect with it?

It can only be felt and heard in stillness. Silence.

The mind's constant chatter is like a repellent - the more noise that is allowed inside your head, the less likely you will be to connect to your own piece of the Divine.

So learn to be still - inside and out. Learn meditation and practice it as a daily habit. One simple technique is to just follow your breathing. As you breathe, let your thoughts go. Don't judge your thoughts, just be loose and let your thoughts flow out of your mind, as you breathe deeply in and out. After a while of quiet, you will begin to notice another source of energy inside.

That is your Divineness starting to emerge!

As you continue to practice meditation, you will notice that all of the external, worldly things that were once so very important in your life have faded to the background. As the layers of mind chatter, judgment and beliefs are peeled away, you will discover an inner glow of peace and love.

That is your own, personal drop of the Divine - cherish it.

And your life will never be the same again.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Your Mind is Not in Control

Do you know how powerful your mind is? It can call up past mistakes in an instant and imprint them on your present moment. Or your mind can trigger great memories and then you feel on top of the world.

But have you ever asked yourself - Who controls my mind? Who controls my thoughts? Am I separate from my mind and my thoughts?

Just consider the idea that YOU are separate and distinct from your mind and your thoughts. Doesn't that open up new possibilities for your life? The essential YOU is not burdened by anything that happened in your past, or any anxiety about the future. The pure YOU existed before it came into this physical body and it will still exist when you leave the physical plane.

So why let your mind and your thoughts pollute the real and essential YOU?

Learn to just be in the moment, without mind chatter, without judgment or criticism, without thought. Just be. And in that beingness, you will discover the pure, essential, eternal YOU!