Three weeks into my Spiritual Exercise Program and I am still here! Funny, I feel somewhat off balance, like the rules have changed and I have not quite caught up. Or maybe I am just getting off my negative treadmill and stepping into new territory.
I do know that joy lies in the present moment, that instant of time I have been granted to live and breath in. I have found that my "monkey mind" is much calmer and quieter, which is a nice respite from its usual frantic behavior. The space that was once occupied by MM is now filling up with other things, such as a clearer vision of who I am and what I want to accomplish.
More vision = more focus = more results.
Just think about it - water from a lake spillway can either cover a large area without much results, or it can be channeled to form enough force to power a hydro-electric plant. Clear thinking, focused attention and unshakable belief and certainty is the formula to accomplish anything you desire.
Just watch what happens to me - I have one week to go.
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