Everyone has heard of the Law of Cause and Effect. I always thought it was just a way to teach responsibility to children - if you drop something, it will break and there WILL be consequences. But the Law of Cause and Effect goes much deeper and runs more strongly through our lives than we have ever imagined.
If you look at nature, you will see constant examples of this law in action. Plant a pumpkin seed in good soil, water it and you will grow a pumpkin. Not a squash, not a cucumber, but a pumpkin. Gardeners and farmers understand this law perfectly and they use it to their advantage.
Why don't we use the Law of Cause and Effect to our advantage? Because most of us look at the wrong part of the equation. We tend to focus on the effects, the results of our thoughts, and not the thoughts themselves. If something goes wrong in our life, our first reaction is to look outside ourselves for the explanation.
We are looking the wrong way!
The reason why circumstances may not happen the way you want has nothing to do with the outside world. It has everything to do with your inner world - made up of your thoughts, beliefs and feelings. When you set an intention (I want to win the Lottery) and you don't get it, listen to your reaction to not getting it. If you find yourself saying things like, "It's rigged," or "I am the unluckiest person alive!" then you are focused on the Effect of not winning the Lottery. And you will continue to be disappointed because that was exactly what you intended to happen.
You have to shift your focus to the first half of the equation. Cause. You are the Cause of everything in your life!
What you think about, what you believe about yourself shapes your world. Your thoughts and beliefs are like magnets, attracting like energy from the ocean of potential that we live in. That energy that you attract is actually shaped by you! It becomes form and then materializes in your world.
What if you really want something, then don't get it? Make sure that you were clear in your intention and that all negative or limiting beliefs have been neutralized. If you ask for the Lottery but you do not believe you deserve wealth, what do you think is going to happen? The Lottery is not going to come to you -- your own limiting belief about your self-worth blocked it.
You have the capacity to create your greatest dream life, but you have to ask for it with unshakable faith, certain of the outcome and grateful to God for it having occurred.
It takes time for these new concepts to sink into your thoughts. You have lived your life under one set of beliefs; you can change that in an instant, but usually the ego resists such a drastic change in perspective. So give yourself time, continue to learn and grow.
One valuable tool that has really accelerated my growth is listening to the Ask, Believe and Receive relaxation CD from Dr. Patrick Porter. If you click on www.daretorelax.com and give your name and email, you can download the digital file instantly. Listen to it every day for at least 21 days, and you will begin to notice that you will see the world differently, you will hear the world differently. You will begin to realize that you are truly the Cause of your life. And the effects of that shift in thinking will begin to appear.
The Law of Cause and Effect works the same for everyone. It is the glue that holds the Universe together. Make it work for you, so you create the life of your dreams.
Remember - you are Cause - your life is the Effect.
Now - Go! Create your most wondrous life and be thankful to God for your capacity to be Cause. Joy will fill your heart and prosperity will follow you like a shadow.
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