Remember my promise to you (and myself) that I would chronicle my progress in my Spiritual Exercise Program? On a daily basis? Well, I have a confession to make.
After Day 2, I blew it. I have listened faithfully to the meditation CD and said the Prosperity Affirmation every day, but I failed to write about it. Excuses abound in my mind (we've been busy, the dog ate my computer mouse...) but the whole point of this exercise is to learn to accept myself and stretch my spirit to become more than I am today.
Maybe self-forgiveness is the first place to start in that process.
My capacity to grow and evolve into a higher being is only limited by myself. If I censure myself to the point of inactivity (as in, why bother - it does not matter anyway) then I have just placed a lid on my own growth. By my own judgmental and critical thoughts, I have just perpetuated the very thing I am being so critical of - my lack of diligence.
It's as if I am creating the most wonderful pot of soup on the stove, letting it simmer and bubble to perfection. But the recipe calls for no lid - and I put a lid on anyway. Will it taste the same? No. Will it look the same? No. Will it smell the same? No. So why not follow the recipe and create something wonderful?
This is where Ego steps into the spotlight. Do you know that you are not your ego? You are not that collection of beliefs and thoughts that translate into the critical voice you hear inside your head. That voice is not the Spiritual You - the authentic you who knows what you are here to accomplish in this world while you are in physical form.
The subject of Ego is too massive to address here. If you want to learn more about why we all create an ego, how it controls our thoughts and what you can do to quiet that voice, the book by Ekhart Tolle, A New Earth, is a great read. It will change your perspective on your thoughts, your belief system and most importantly, your goals in life.
My goal is to focus on the spiritual side. But I still have to live in a world driven by stuff - demands made on my time, commitments to fulfill, back to school craziness. The difference is that I accept that sometimes, I just have to say, "It's O.K." pick myself up and go on. Life does get in the way, but I am the way to creating my life.
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