Today is Day 2 of my "Spiritual Exercise Program." Just like any physical exercise regimen, the second day can be tough. Some of the excitement and newness has worn off and some soreness starts to set in.
My spiritual soreness began today when we had to pay for an unexpected car repair. A hit of $500 that comes out of the blue was enough to throw off my higher vibration and set me back several notches. All of my limiting beliefs about money and finances came flooding back into my consciousness!
But never fear, because I have a V-i-s-i-o-n. It is bigger than these small obstacles and better than where I am right now. Instead of lowering myself to my circumstances, I raise my circumstances up to my higher self.
The trick is to remember that I know what I need to know, when I need to know it. If that sounds like the chorus of a song, you are a genius! Karen Taylor Good is a fabulous song-writer/singer and she wrote a wonderful song with the same title.
I know that I am awash in abundance and wealth. I know that I deserve abundance and wealth of mind, body, spirit, and emotions. I know that my outer circumstances do not define my inner universe. Instead, my inner universe takes form when I manifest my desires into reality.
At least, that is what the Prosperity Affirmation says.
Maybe that is why I need 30 days to digest these concepts. My current belief system is based on lots of negativity about money, finances, and my ability to earn and keep such things. My vision is that I will replace such limiting concepts with liberating ideas about my value in the world.
A long road stretches ahead of me, to an endlessly distant horizon...where the golden orb of truth shimmers. I just hope I can make the journey without getting too discouraged... (dramatic sigh, hand held to forehead, worried expression creasing my brow while I swoon gracefully...)
Or I can just decide to throw away all the drama and start fresh. Think I'll just keep singing my song (thank you Karen Taylor Good) and see what happens.
"I know all that I need to know, when I need to know it.
And when I forget that's so, the Universe will show it.
There seems to be a plan at work and there's nothing I can throw it.
So all I know I need to know, when I need to know it."
Fade to dusk, as my silhouette skips happily along the yellow brick road into the fading sunlight...
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