Forgiveness. What images does that word raise up in your mind? A person with their head bowed, while another stands over them and smiles gently? The forgiver standing tall, being the bigger person, while the forgivee (the person being forgiven) bows in surrender, becoming smaller in the process?
I have another image of forgiveness I want you to consider. One that does nothing to the forgivee but everything for the forgiver.
A garden.
Think of all the transgressions against you, the hurts, the slights, the rejection by the one you most cared about, as the weeds in the garden of your mind. The more you dwell on the past, and feel those strong emotions that were triggered by the negative event, the more you water the weeds. Science has proven that thoughts are bundles of energy - if your thoughts are constantly reviewing, analyzing and reliving the past, you are directing energy (water) to your "weed thoughts."
And guess what? Weeds continue to grow if given water! (Heck, they grow without water, so why encourage them?)
How do you get rid of weeds? You pull them out by the roots. If you just pull out just the part you can see, the weed will grow back. It is the same thing with your thoughts.
We are programmed from childhood to hold onto our hurt. The "why" of that process is beyond the scope of this blog. But fortunately, the "how" of weeding your garden is not. Because the Universe is an orderly place and there are laws which keep the order. Follow the laws and you will get the results you seek!
When you plant good seed in your garden, nature will do her part and the seed will grow into what it is. Plant corn, and corn will grow. Plant cucumbers, and you will receive cucumbers. Can anyone tell me of a time when someone planted tomato seeds and received radishes instead? It just does not happen!
The Law of Cause of Effect will not let it happen.
This is a law that governs everything in form, but it also governs the formless. Your thoughts. The emotions that are triggered by your thoughts. And the actions you take because of the thoughts which triggered the emotions which compelled you to act.
Follow this logic with me. If thoughts are bundles of energy that are subject to the same laws as a tomato seed, and if I am in control of my thoughts, then I can control what type of thought I allow in my mind. And if I chose to have only positive, self-affirming thoughts about myself and every person and situation that I encounter, what do you suppose will be the result?
A beautiful life!
But what happens when the weeds (negative thoughts) keep reappearing? How do you pull them up by the roots so they are gone forever?
That is where forgiveness comes in. A Course in Miracles defines forgiveness in a unique way. To paraphrase, forgiveness is defined as a shift in perception that removes a block in me to the Divine. Forgiveness does not involve the other person who did you wrong - it directly impacts you! The weeds you hold onto so tight are a block in your own perception. And when you let them go - the block dissolves and you can see the situation clearly and from a different perspective.
I will tell you how to weed your mental garden in the next post. If you want to become immersed in this subject, go to and click on the link to The 11 Forgotten Laws by Bob Proctor. The material included in that course will help you to wake up and plant only thoughts with good vibrations in the garden of your mind.
Enjoy the harvest!
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