In my last post, I spoke about the shadows we all carry around with us. Events from our past, circumstances we blame for our present predicament, people who have hurt us. Can we ever be rid of these shadows and live a joyous life?
The short answer is --- YES!
The long answer is contained in the rest of this post. Shadows are a necessary part of our growth process. They are there for a reason - to stimulate your desire for change and evolution. When you embrace the gifts contained in your shadows, you will be free to create the life you were meant to live.
But how do you embrace a shadow? One of the best methods I have found is to follow the 13 Steps to Forgiveness contained in the book, Radical Forgiveness by Colin Tipping. It is a very simple process with profound results. Go to and check it out for yourself. I promise you will experience a shift in your perspective and a change in your energy if you go through the 13 steps and complete a worksheet.
Remember, we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. When you realize that the person you are upset at is also a spiritual being, it changes things, doesn't it? And when you can recast the situation or events into a spiritual setting, you will be amazed at the insights that will come to you. And you will bless that person or those events for the lessons they taught you.
Come celebrate life with me - free of your old doubts, fears or worries.
Dance the dance of spirit - your shadows will join you!
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