Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Solution Lies Within

"The solutions to the problems before us isn't more money or fewer difficult people in our lives, because the only real problem is disconnection from God. Solutions come as we connect with a higher level of thinking and knowing. When we lift ourselves in connection with God, an entirely new realm of thought becomes available to us."                      --Mary Manin Morrissey, "No Less than Greatness"

For many, the search for happiness and peace starts with what is happening in your life - the people, events, and circumstances in which you live. The external world, if you will.  But you will never be satisfied by anything in the outside if you are not balanced on the inside.

How do you obtain inner balance? You first have to withdraw your attention from the external world, stop your mind by mediation or prayer, and  Listen to the small, still voice that is always trying to communicate with you, but you can't hear it because of all the chattering noise that fills your head.  When you stop the noise and just listen, you will discover that most miraculous thing of all - that God has been waiting for you to just stop and listen!  

He has been waiting for you to open yourself and say "Yes!"

Practice remembering God.  Remember Him in the small, mundane details of your life and you will discover a secret known throughout the ages - He cares about it all!  Because He loves you - the complete, unadulterated, unfiltered, unpolished you.  Want to know why?  It is very simple - He made you. And the Creator of all things does not hate what He created!

So don't look outside for the next new thing to solve your problems.  Go within and listen.  God is waiting to help you, but you have to open the door to let Him in.

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