Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Your Mind is Not in Control

Do you know how powerful your mind is? It can call up past mistakes in an instant and imprint them on your present moment. Or your mind can trigger great memories and then you feel on top of the world.

But have you ever asked yourself - Who controls my mind? Who controls my thoughts? Am I separate from my mind and my thoughts?

Just consider the idea that YOU are separate and distinct from your mind and your thoughts. Doesn't that open up new possibilities for your life? The essential YOU is not burdened by anything that happened in your past, or any anxiety about the future. The pure YOU existed before it came into this physical body and it will still exist when you leave the physical plane.

So why let your mind and your thoughts pollute the real and essential YOU?

Learn to just be in the moment, without mind chatter, without judgment or criticism, without thought. Just be. And in that beingness, you will discover the pure, essential, eternal YOU!

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