There was only one small problem. You had never ridden without the training wheels before!
Your parents gently explained that you would learn how to ride without the extra support. You wanted to believe them, you knew they had your best interests at heart, but still, there was that kernel of doubt in your heart.
Because YOU had not experienced it yourself.
No one can give you their own experience of something. They can describe it in rich detail, with all the emotion possible, but it still does not give you that same sensation as when you experience it for yourself.
This concept applies to everything. I may have been a great student in school and know all of the tricks to studying, but until you spend the time to learn the material and study, you won't experience the thrill of receiving your first "A". I can explain and show you on video how to ski down a slope, but until you actually feel your muscles tightened against the pull of gravity, and learn to pivot your hips as you make your turns, skiing won't be real to you.
Losing weight and creating health with Medifast is no different. You can read all of the stories of the millions of people who have lost weight and feel great, but it won't penetrate your awareness. You can taste the food and read the material on why it works, but you will always find an excuse not to go on the program.
That is how your mind works - you don't like change, you don't want to learn something new and you certainly don't want to eat food out of a box, or because you are a Vegan and this contains egg product, or its just not the right time, or you have too many other things in your life right now... The list of excuses goes on and on! And your waistline continues to grow and grow.
When is a good time to take control of your health? After you have had the heart attack or your cholesterol is so high that the Doctor shakes her head every time she sees you? Why wait for your external world to either be perfect or to suddenly face an extreme health crisis?
Did you wait for the perfect time to learn how to fly free on your bicycle? No - of course not! The vision of yourself on the back of the bike with a big grin on your face was strong enough to push you right past any excuses or fears. You may have been tenative at first as your feet turned the pedals, but once you realized that you were RIDING YOUR BIKE, you soared with the clouds.
The Magic of Medifast has to be experienced to be understood and believed. Once you see the extra weight and fat melt away, you will also be a believer. But no one can turn you into a believer without you first going on the program and experiencing the profound changes yourself.
It really isn't a hard thing to do, just visit Empowered Weigh or call me when you are ready to fly!
Living well, beautifully!
Kathy Eriksen
Certified Health Coach
Take Shape for Life
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