Thursday, August 19, 2010

Can Freedom be Found Eating Out of a Box?

A potential Take Shape for Life client made a comment that has stuck with me ever since.  After showing her the program and having her taste some of the products, she turned to me and said, slightly exasperated, "I just don't know if I can eat out of a box!" 

It took me back for a second, because I had already experienced the benefits of this program and the profound changes it made in my life.  I mumbled something about "There is so much more to it than that" and we quickly parted.

I now have a much better answer to her statement that I would love to share with you (and her, if she is reading this post).  So here goes...

We are here as God's children, experiencing our lives through the lens of our physical selves.  When our bodies are out of balance, overweight, tired, listless and not thriving, it affects the lens through which we see ourselves and our world.  The way to a joyful and loving life is so simple -- take action steps to feel better physically and your emotions will follow!

It boils down to a very basic issue - do you believe you are worthy of feeling better, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually? Do you love yourself as a child of God? Or are you caught up in a self-imposed world of anger, frustration, doubt and fear?  It is your choice - either way. 

Only you can lift the veil that covers your "lens" and clear the fog that surrounds you.  Only you can make the decision to step forward, arms raised and say, "I want to discover the real me!"  No one else can do it for you.  The answer does not lie in the external world, despite the messages we receive from car and clothing advertisers, fast food restaurants and cruise lines.  The answer lies within, and your body is the entry door to discover your real hunger.

As Geneen Roth said in her best selling book, Women, Food & God, "It's never been true, not anywhere at any time, that the value of a soul, of a human spirit, is dependent on a number on a scale.  We are unrepeatable beings of light and space and water who need these physical vehicles to get around.  When we start defining ourselves by that which can be measured or weighed, something deep within us rebels."

The flip side of Ms. Roth's statement is that when we allow our physical bodies to be more in alignment with our spiritual selves, life works on all levels. 

And that is the secret I discovered after I lost 18 pounds on Medifast.  Because my body is lean and trim, I feel lighter and freer to express myself authentically.  Self-imposed thoughts of "I don't want to go to that swim party and wear a bathing suit," have been replaced by "Wonder who's having a swim party this weekend?"  Discouraging comments that I used to make to myself when my pants were too tight have morphed into the joy of finding clothes that now fit in my closet.  The sense of freedom I feel in my new body has expanded my world view. 

As my waist size shrank and the excess fat melted away, my spiritual size grew proportionally.

So, my friend, thank you for making your comment about "eating out of the box."  It made me look harder at my own "box."  As my body as gotten smaller, I have grown bigger.   My "box" of negative thinking has dissolved in the radiant light of Myself. 

Eating out of a box?  It is the best thing that has ever happened to me!

1 comment:

  1. Nicely said.

    And might I ad, as one who also, "eats out of a box", it is so much more than that. And eating out of a box as opposed to what, "eating out of a bag"...a fast food bag. Which I know personally, is what got me into the bad shape I was in, in the first place. I'll take the box over the bag any day. And I thank you for helping me get there!


    PS...down ANOTHER outfit size today! Whoo hoo!
