Saturday, July 3, 2010

Weight Loss is the Biggest Gain of all

Day 21 - July 3, 2010

Three weeks have flown by! As my body and eating habits have changed, I spend much less time and energy thinking about when I am going to "get in shape" or "start yoga." I am no longer obsessed with future action plans that will make me feel better -- I feel better right now!

And that gives me all the power I need to create my life, right now, in this moment.

How did eating portion controlled meal replacements rock my world?  What is it about eating healthy that I missed before now?

There are many reasons that Medifast meals work so well, but I have distilled three main points from my own experience:
  • Medifast meals feed your body what it needs, so it is not overloaded with sugar and carbohydrates. Your body receives the nutrition, protein, fats and carbohydrates it needs, in the proper proportions, to allow the cells to do their job - process the food into energy, instead of fat storage.
  • Behavorial and eating changes are supported by physical evidence. When your body switches from fat storage to energy burning, physical changes take place rapidly and become very noticeable. Others in your life compliment you on your appearance, which only reinforces the new changes and increased motivation to continue. 
  • Cravings and poor eating are no longer an option.  When my body switched from fat storage to fat burning, there was a more subtle consequence that took me days to recognize.  Cravings for sugar and carbohydrates simply disappeared into the ether!  I never would have believed it, until I went back to my childhood haunt several weeks ago.  This is the place where I ALWAYS over indulged, ate poorly and did not care, because it was the lake.  I always gave myself permission at the lake to eat whatever I wanted, which was pretty much anything that was not tied down.  And I would always be unhappy with myself after we returned home...until now.  When we returned to the lake several weeks ago, the same cookies, soft drinks, chips and salsa were set out.  BUT I DID NOT WANT ANY OF IT.  There was no contest of will power or self-talk...I just did not want to eat it.  So I skipped that food and stayed with my Medifast meals and a delicious lean and green meal of grilled chicken and vegetables.  And I was free from the emotional habits I had formed many years ago in childhood!
If I were to sum up the effects I have experienced over the last three weeks while on Medifast, it would be this:   I am free from my emotional eating habits to eat healthy, live well and thrive.

The Take Shape for Life Convention is only 5 days away! I am so glad I took the leap of faith and jumped into this program, because now I understand its power.  And I can look Dr. Andersen (the founder of the TSFL Program and the guru) in the eye and say, "Thank you for creating TSFL - it has changed my life!"

To learn more about Take Shape for Life and Medifast meals, please visit Empowered Way or send me an email!

Living well, beautifully!

1 comment:

  1. congratulations! indeed your ways of losing weight is effective. you are now the inspiration for others.. Good luck!
