Thursday, June 24, 2010

Can A Diet Stay Alive on Vacation?

Day 12 - June 24, 2010

We are packing the car and heading to Colorado -- ROAD TRIP! 

Those two words bring back lots of memories of being stuck in the back seat with my brother, pinching and poking each other because we were bored.  The license plate game had worn out about 200 miles ago, and the car windows no longer looked out on a magical world.  Everything just seemed to be colored in the same shade of gray. 

Boredom must be that color...

Fast forward to my adult life, and the words "road trip" carry an entirely different meaning.  "Freedom," "fun," and "adventure" are just a few of the words that come to my mind when I plan a road trip. 

Freedom from everyday responsibilities.  Fun to explore and see new people and places.  Adventure, because you never know what might be around the next corner!

I do have to admit, however, that this road trip is slightly different.  I have never gone on vacation before when I was on a "diet" or "watching my weight."  Will I be able to incorporate the five Medifast meals into our daily schedule and still eat healthy?

I promise I will continue this blog during the next five days, assuming I have access to a wi-fi connection. I also promise that I will report the good, the bad and the ugly while we are on this trip!

So stayed tuned, dear ones, for more stories from the wonderful world of Medifast!

Living well, beautifully!

To learn more about the Take Shape for Life Program and Medifast, please visit Empowered Weigh

1 comment:

  1. This is a great post. I personally have experience with the products you are taking along with you. I will be honest. I can't think of a better way to start my day. I wake up everyday to a hot cocoa within the first hour that I wake and eat every three hours thereafter. I will be following your blog while you are on vacation. MJ
