Thursday, June 18, 2009

Live From the Inside-Out!

Have you ever heard of an "inside-out" hamburger? The bun is in the middle and the meat, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, etc. are on the outside. Eating it with your hands is a challenge, but it tastes just the same as the traditional hamburger. All the same ingredients are there, just arranged in a different order. But you have a totally different experience!

Your life can be that way. Instead of making decisions because of outside factors or considerations, start from within. Take the time to connect with your true self and listen to what it needs. Then take action. Because you started from the inside, your final result will be different than if you started from the outside.

And isn't that what you want - different results?

Remember, we are spiritual beings living in a human form. What makes us unique is not what we can see, feel, taste, smell or touch. Our uniqueness lies within, and that is where we are connected. We all share the same droplet of spirit that came from the same source. You are no better or worse than me - we are equal beneficiaries of an amazing Universe!

Once your spirit awakens to your potential, it will not be satisfied until you live your life from your true source. Spend time with yourself and enjoy your company. Read books on spirituality, such as Michael Bernard Beckwith's Life Visioning Process or anything by Marianne Williamson, Joe Vitale, Lisa Nichols, James Arthur Ray or Jack Canfield. Listen to audio programs that expand your thinking, such as the 11Forgotten Laws by Bob Proctor. Once you begin your spiritual journey, your life will expand exponentially.

Your life can change one thought at a time. Let your inner spirit be your guide and miracles will happen. Live from the inside-out - and get your hands messy!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Shadows of Forgiveness

In my last post, I spoke about the shadows we all carry around with us. Events from our past, circumstances we blame for our present predicament, people who have hurt us. Can we ever be rid of these shadows and live a joyous life?

The short answer is --- YES!

The long answer is contained in the rest of this post. Shadows are a necessary part of our growth process. They are there for a reason - to stimulate your desire for change and evolution. When you embrace the gifts contained in your shadows, you will be free to create the life you were meant to live.

But how do you embrace a shadow? One of the best methods I have found is to follow the 13 Steps to Forgiveness contained in the book, Radical Forgiveness by Colin Tipping. It is a very simple process with profound results. Go to and check it out for yourself. I promise you will experience a shift in your perspective and a change in your energy if you go through the 13 steps and complete a worksheet.

Remember, we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. When you realize that the person you are upset at is also a spiritual being, it changes things, doesn't it? And when you can recast the situation or events into a spiritual setting, you will be amazed at the insights that will come to you. And you will bless that person or those events for the lessons they taught you.

Come celebrate life with me - free of your old doubts, fears or worries.

Dance the dance of spirit - your shadows will join you!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Embrace Your Shadows and Be Free

Shadows are elusive, without physical form and impossible to contain. They are as attached to us as our hair or skin. Just as light shines on our physical bodies, creating a shadow, so does the beam of enlightenment shine on our emotional shadows.

We learn from an early age that some emotions are not appropriate - jealousy, anger, pity, greed. Because of the training we receive, most of us shove these emotions under the surface of our awareness, into the "shadow world" of our self. But just like a ball that is held under water, these shadow feelings will pop up into our awareness so they can be acknowledged and processed. If we fail to understand that these emotions cannot stay repressed, however, we will always feel at the mercy of "events" and "others," instead of recognizing that we are trying to heal ourselves.

Shadow emotions hold gifts - they teach us things about ourselves that must be recognized to be whole. For example, greediness can hold the gift of abundance. When greediness takes over your psyche, you assume that there is not enough, so you must take all you can grab. Having experienced greediness, you can then step back and see that the universe is based on abundance principles, not limitation. Therefore, there is no need for greed or hoarding, because there is enough for everyone. Without acknowledging your shadow of greed, you will never discover the gift of abundance.

There are as many shadows as there are people. Your task is to discover your own particular shadows, call them forth, and acknowledge them. Ask to be shown the gifts they bring you, and honor it. The energy that you spent holding that emotion beneath the surface of your consciousness will shift.

And you will be free to be yourself.