How are you doing, at the end of the first month of the new decade? Are you forging ahead on your New Year's Resolutions or have they been put up, along with the Christmas decorations? Time to check in and recalibrate!
Instead of stating the same old resolutions (lose weight, make more money, pay off debt, etc.) why not try a different approach? One that could recharge your life, your dreams and your goals! The place to start is not "out there" or after you get "_____" (fill in the blank). The place to start is right where you are -- right here, right now.
There is a quote that has had a profound impact on my life, which I now use to guide my choices throughout the day. You have to meditate on it, start using it as a template for your day, and the wisdom and spiritual energy will begin to seep into your consciousness. It goes to the heart of each of us and encourages us to choose well.
The quote is by Neale Donald Walsch, author of the "Conversation with God" series of books. It states:
Every decision you make - every decision - is not a decision about what to do. It is a decision about Who You Are. When you see this, when you understand it, everything changes. You begin to see life in a new way. All events, occurrences, and situations turn into opportunities to do what you came here to do.
Try reading this quote several times a day. Carry a copy of it with you to refer to in your free moments. Embed it on your consciousness, then make a note of the results. You will be amazed how a simple change in your perspective can totally change the direction of your life!
I think of it this way - in every moment of my day, I have two basic choices. I can either chose to expand myself, my purpose and my service to others, or I can chose to contract in fear, doubt, worry and anxiety. The expansive choice causes me to grow; the contractive choice makes me shrink. So, the basic question in each moment is, "Do I want to grow or shrink?" When I consistently make the expansive choice, my life is unbelievably, fantastically awesome. When I chose to listen to my fears, I shrink down into a smaller version of me.
Expand your life, and all of your New Year's Resolutions will come true in ways that you could never imagine. Try it yourself - make a comment back to this blog so we can all share our experiences!