Here is the way it looked for me when I did this simple exercise:
Past thoughts 60%; Present thoughts 10%; Future thoughts 30%
Isn't that revealing? It certainly was to me! And to add to my dismay, I have also learned that about 90% of our thoughts are repetitive. Which means that I am thinking the same thoughts about the past and the future - over and over again! AGHHHHHH!
I am always the type to see the glass half full. So, to take the positive perspective, I stay in the present 10% of every moment. Not too great, but it is a place to start. So how do I shift my thoughts to focus on the present - the moment of Now?
Very simple, really. I just chose to. No bells or whistles, no clapping or heart-renching decisions. Just a simple intention that I practice over and over until it becomes a habit.
Because the way we think is habitual. You have a pattern to your thinking, just as I do. And the only way to change it is to treat it like any other habit. Identify what is unfavorable, make the decision to change, then follow through with action.
A mental exercise program - for the mind!
Try it for seven days, keep a journal to log your progress and see if your mind does not become clearer and more peaceful. Your inner journey is well worth the effort!